Chapter 17- Final

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You haven't checked your phone, but there's no doubt some very angry texts from the school's administration about your unplanned absence for the day. When you finally got yourself together, you hauled Eobard's body into the car and came straight back to the house. He's lying on the bed, dead. You know sooner or later you have to call the police and let them know what's happened, you've been delaying it for hours. 

It's just you can't seem to work up the strength to grab the phone. Because that'll make it real. You can't deal with that. You're numb right now, exhausted, probably starved. But none of that is registering right now. All you know is that you'll never be on the receiving end of those eyes. The ones you've hated for so long, but somehow manage to love. You shuffle over to him, sitting down. As you do so, you take his hand.


As you expect. You smile, leaning over and planting a kiss on his forehead.

"I should take a bath. " Once you've done that, maybe it'll bring you to your senses. So you release his hand, and take a step back. You turn your back, off to the bathroom to wash away all your sorrows. You've run out of tears, thoroughly. 

So at least you know for sure than when you step under the spray, you won't have to worry about crying anymore. You strip out of your clothes, painfully slow. There's no rush, you can take your time. It drops to the floor unceremoniously, and as you step under, the cold doesn't even phase your skin. You need it you suppose. Your brain will catch up to your body soon. This will help.


It's unclear how long you've been in the shower. But you're out now. Your hair is still dripping, you barely even had the strength to towel off properly. So your clothes are a little wet, partially sticking to different parts of your body. Just a plain t shirt and shorts.

Color, not important. You buzz pass the bed, searching for your phone. You swore you left it on the dresser. You're looking all over, and at some point you climb unto the bed, moving the pillows, pulling at the sheets. It takes a moment for you to recall something.


You stop.


His body, it's gone, and your eyes slowly widen. Not only has time made its mission to tear your world apart, it seems that it's taken the very last of what's left of your heart. There's nothing but an indent in the bed where his body once was. And you can only conclude that time has caught up to him and he's vanished the same way that time wraith did. You grab at your chest, and you can feel yourself start to hyperventilate. 

If he's been wiped from existence, then much like when you came here, those around you will have no idea what's going on. It'll be like he was never there. How long will it be until you forget him completely by then. You can't catch your breath, and you're sure you'll pass out. You can feel yourself get dizzy. You give in, and as your body hits the mattress, it crashes into another. The weight under you surprises you.


You clench your eyes shut.

"It's not real, he's gone, not real." If you start losing your mind and seeing him everywhere, that'll be it. No coming back from that. You've already lost love, you can't lose your sanity too.

When you turn, it's not the face you expect. Blond hair, green eyes. This is..the real Eobard. Not a face he gained through his days of manipulation. You still don't want to believe it, but the love he shows, and the gentle way he takes your cheek, there's no way you could have imagined him this well.


"I'm not sure how it's possible, but right now, I could care less." your eyes water, and he smiles, wiping the tears away. He's still wearing his suit too. "I should punish you for disobeying, I told you to stay in the vault." He doesn't even sound mad, more like touched. That's when you move. Your hands take either side of his face and you press a desperate kiss to his mouth. He groans, but reciprocates. 

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