Chapter 8

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I'm sure Caitlin, I just really need some sleep. I don't mean to send you guys off. I know you're really worried. "

"It's okay (Y/N), you don't have to apologize. I can't even imagine how much a toll this has taken on you. When you're ready we'll all be right here okay."

"I appreciate it, thank you Caitlin."

"You're welcome." you smiled, bidding her goodbye was you hung up the phone. Eobard was sitting on the couch, casually eating a fry.

It's been two months. 

Two months of nothing but more questions and headaches. 

"Why do you look so relaxed, help me figure this out."

"Look at you acting like the boss. "

"You want me to punch you again." he stood, raising his hands in a false surrender.

"No need to resort to violence. Although I'd advise that we figure out a way to research this while going about our day as usual."

"What are you talking about?" He pointed to a frame, and when you saw it you almost gagged. It was a wedding photo.

"That's disgusting, can't believe I married you. Old man. " he rolled his eyes at that.

"Trust me, I'm as thrilled as you. What I'm getting at is we have lives here. Jobs as well. We need to go about as if nothing's changed or pretty soon people will start asking questions. "

He was right, of course he was.

"And for your information, I may be an old man, but I'm still well equipped in many fields." you weren't sure what he meant by that, until he sent you a smirk. Recognition sparked in your eyes and your cheeks tinted red.

"Ugh! Shut up you perv!!!"


"So how are you. I heard about the accident. Eobard must have been so worried. He was at the hospital everyday when you were in that coma. Poor man. He must be so relieved that you're alright. " you forced a smile at the woman in front of you. Like Eobard instructed you tried to find out just what type of life you led here. You were a bit shocked to hear you weren't a cop, but a university professor. Eobard of course was apparently some high profile businessman. Pretty much the same as the Harrison Wells in your time.

"Yeah he's..he's a real sweetheart." you wanted to puke.

"How are the plans for a baby going?" she nudged your arm and you stared at her.

"E-Excuse me!"

"Come on, don't act bashful, the last time you told me you were trying to have a little bundle of joy. You were even choosing names. It was cute watching the way you and Eobard bicker over the gender. " you stared at your stomach uneasily.

"Shit, am I pregnant!" you needed to check that out as soon as you had a chance.

"W-We've decided to wait a while"

"Oh, well don't wait too long. You're at that age where it's just about right. You aren't getting any younger dear." with a dry laugh you watched as she trailed off with a wink.

"I'm screwed." you needed to get a test pronto. Like hell were you going to give birth to the spawn of satan himself.


Eobard was not the least bit surprised when he walked into the bedroom. When he got back from playing businessman, he was curious as to where you'd run off to. He didn't like the idea of you being to far away from him for too long. Since your day jobs did not offer a lot of communication, he had a bit of a task keeping his eyes on you. The door to the bathroom was opened, and when he stepped in he caught sight of a box that laid on the ground. There were three others next to it, and you were sitting with your back to the wall.

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