Chapter 10 (A)

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"We'll get the man responsible (Y/N). I'm thankful you weren't harmed. " Joe was taking your statement. You were seated in his office, giving him all that you could remember of the encounter. You were still shaken, not from the shot, but from the events that followed. Your mind refused to let you forget that look in Eobard's eyes.

"Your husband is here." you turned, and Joe smiled as Eobard approached. He shook his hand, patting him on the shoulder as he left you alone in the room to talk. When Eobard stepped in, you didn't know what to say. Eobard didn't say anything either. Finally, tired of the silence, you spoke.

"You didn't have to come." Wow, was that really all you could get out.

"It would look suspicious if your own husband refused to see you after you were assaulted in a parking lot." you nod.

"I told you to be careful. The next time you decide to be a hero, don't."

"I wasn't trying to be a hero okay! He was going to shoot an innocent girl. I'm a cop you prick, you really think I would just stand there and watch someone else get hurt." he closed his eyes, removing his glasses and massaging the bridge of his nose. He was still wearing a suit too. When he looked at you this time, you actually blushed. You'd never really seen him without his glasses on.

"What?" he sounded a bit annoyed, and you lowered your gaze. "Nothing I just..its nothing. " You could feel him staring from your spot, and you shifted in your seat. "Listen, I really don't feel like doing this in the middle of a police station, so can we talk about this when we get home. My stomach is still sore." You still felt the gunshot. Though it healed completely, it was more of a psychological thing. He placed his glasses back on the bridge of his nose.

"You really got the nagging wife thing down."

"I'm going to try and be the adult in this situation and pretend not to hear that." Eobard just flashed a grin.

"Let's just get out of here, the amount of cops in this place is making me itch."

"It is a police station you know."

"I'm aware." This time you were the one that smiled. "Let's go." you said standing. When you did, you weren't sure what it was, but you got a bit lightheaded. You stumbled forward and Eobard reached out, breaking your fall. He caught you by the shoulders, scanning your body. Your hands were pressed to his chest, and he was searching your eyes, maybe for some sign of change. You however couldn't seem to not stare at the sapphire orbs that were studying you closely. "What's wrong?" you shook your head, still looking at him.

"I don't know.." you whisper. He looked at you this time, really looked at you. You supported yourself after a few intense seconds, taking a step back. "I think maybe I'm just showing delayed signs of shock or something. Don't worry about it. " turning your back, you were headed to Joe. If he gave the okay, you would leave. You needed to be in your own space so you could think. About your strange powers, and feelings.


Upon getting back to your house, you took a seat at the kitchen table, just staring at the wall. You couldn't wrap your mind around what was happening. You needed a distraction. So rather than confront what happened between you and Eobard earlier, you head straight for the basement.

There was a little makeshift gym down here, and you supposed this was one of the things you liked about the house. You gloved up, moving to the punching bag. Raising your fist, you started out with shallow hits, just consistent nudges. Those little hits started to become a lot more aggressive, and you smacked it hard. You didn't stop there, you kept hitting it. With each punch, you could feel your emotions bubbling. You yelled out, kicking and swinging with all your might.


This time.

Your friends.

Your family.

It was all just circling your head. The last lash that connected made your hand go right through the bag. You sobbed, pulling it out and dropping to your knees.

"Why is this happening to me.." You must have done something to deserve all that you'd been going through. The most pressing problem was your interaction with Eobard. For a second you actually felt..attracted to him. The way he stayed when you were hurt, the way he looked at you when you were at the precinct. Why was there a sign of care in his eyes. It wasn't logical. Not to you. Your reaction to it wasn't very logical either.

He couldn't have cared about you. That just wasn't Eobard. Or was it? How well did you really even know him?

Was there possibly a side of Eobard that could be changed? 

Or maybe you were the one changing.

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