Chapter 16

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Eobard's yell isn't what you expect that early in the morning. Upon seeing his state, you understand why. He looks completely panicked, and when he grabs a hold of you and takes off, you can't do much but hold on. When he stops running you're in some type of vault. When you look up, the room is white with weird designs on the wall. It's not familiar at all, but Eobard seems to know it well. 

"Gideon, lock down STAR Labs."

"As you wish" A voice replies, and a telegraphic face appears. You're just standing there lost.

"What's going on, why are we back at STAR Labs? Has something happened?"

He's running a hand through his hair, and you know enough to tell that it's a pretty bad sign.

"I thought in this time it would not be able to track us, but with your abilities I should know nothing is guaranteed. "

"My abilities, track us, what are you talking about? What's tracking us!"

"A time wraith." You freeze. You know exactly what that is. More you've heard about one.

"T-Their real.. My dad told me once on his job that he encountered one when he was helping the flash but I..I never really took him seriously. "

"Well they're real, you have to stay here. One good thing that came with this time is that I seem to hold a lot of power. I own this entire building. It's not really used for much but residual research apparently. This vault will keep it off your scent for now, but it won't hold forever." Your eyes shift to the case on the side, and that's when you take in the yellow suit. He follows your eyes wearily. "I never expected to need this again." you're shocked at his words.

"Love was never part of my plan. All I wanted was to go home. It's taken me centuries, but I finally understand where I need to be, and it's not in the future, or this time. Not anytime. "

"W-What are you saying..." He doesn't answer, and all you make out is torrents of red. In seconds he is wearing the suit, and for a moment, your heart drops. You also never expected to see that again, much less him in it. He doesn't have to look to know you're still from the fear. With a clench jaw he moves to where he entered from and that's when your body decides it needs to respond. " You run over, grabbing his arm. "What are you going to do, those things k-kill don't they. " He refuses to look at you. "I have to stop it." No other explanation, and because you're holding him, he doesn't move. So you backtrack, going over his words.

"I-It isn't after it?" You don't need an answer to know that you're right.

"Eobard you can't go out there. We're safe in here you don't have to-"

"We're not!" he snaps. He yanks his hand back, and you take a few steps backwards. When he sees the obvious terror on your face, his features soften. This time when he approaches, it's slow. His hands rest on your cheek, and your staring into his blue orbs, searching, begging for him to reconsider. "I'm not going to lose you, I'd rather die than go back to the way things were." when he kisses you, you can feel it, this is a goodbye kiss. Raw, passionate, solemn. He pulls back, and in a blink he's gone. You rush over to the wall, teary eyed and scared out of your mind that you'll never see him again. When you hear the dark shriek on the other side, your heart drops.


You can't seem to find the passage way he used prior, and when logic fails, you use force. You tighten your first and force it right through the wall. Your hand comes out on the other side, and you pull back. This next blow is delivered by your feet. The wall shatters, crumbling under the strength you've applied to the hole you've made. With one last push, you clear a path big enough for you fit. You scramble out, picking a random direction and sprinting off in hopes that you'll find Eobard. The scream of pain you hear coming from the cortex tells you that's where you need to be. You come to an abrupt stop when you're in the hallway. The creature is hovering, and you hope that whatever crazy powers you've been working till now works. It's holding Eobard off the ground by his throat, and you can almost see the defeat in his blue eyes. He hasn't seen you yet.

" take me and you leave, there's nothing else for you here. " It lowers it's face to his, letting out another blood curdling screech. Now you can see the wounds on his body. There are multiple rips in his suit, from the looks of it that monster has been knocking him around for a while.


When he hears your voice his head turns and he looks more than a little alarmed.

"What are you doing here! RUN!!" he's yelling and now struggling, because it's attention has moved from you to him. You raise your hands up to fight, as you're about to tackle it, it's clawed hand plunges into Eobard's chest. His eyes are wide, and he only manages a short gasp before his heart stops beating. He slumps forward, and dread hits you tenfold.

"NO!!!" you charge, just as it drops his body. You slide on the floor, grabbing him and cradling his body close. The wraith has moved back, just hovering. You're wondering why it doesn't just attack. That's not for long, because he zooms forward, and you're way too taken by Eobard's injury to even flinch. You do flinch however when it knocks into something. You're crying, and confused. There isn't anything stopping it from tearing you apart, so you have no idea why it looks trapped behind a wall. 

It scratches and claws, and that's when you notice the light that appears behind it. It's a small ball at first, but it's quickly expanding. You don't know what to make of it, because pretty soon the time wraith is being sucked in. You just sit there, staring. With one last cry, it's completely enveloped by the light, it shines, then dims and vanishes all at once. For who knows how long, you're sitting there, Eobard's body in your lap, lifeless, your heart shattered to pieces once again. 


How is it that everyone dies around you, but you continue to live. You would have given anything to switch places with him. But somehow, that would have possibly been worse. Eobard knew the risks when he left you in the vault. A selfless act like that, even now it still stuns you. He's changed so much more than you could ever imagine. You're rocking his body back and forth, tears smearing all over his suit as you bury your face into his chest. 

"I don't want you to leave..please.. I can't do this..."

He's already gone, you know it's useless to plead, that doesn't stop you from trying. If you were so powerful, why can't you even save on life. What good is power if you can't help the ones you care about.

So for hours, you sit there.

This time, truly broken. 

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