Chapter 12

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The door closed shut and you sprung to your feet.

"Welcome home!!"

Eobard looked a bit startled to see you standing there. He glared, clearly annoyed that you'd caught him off guard.

"Hmm, it's not fun when it happens to you is it." you snicker.

"Now isn't the best time to test me." he groused.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?"

"I'm not sure if you recall, but this woman kissed me in the middle of the office, then ran off like a frightened little dear. "

"H-Hey I didn't run off!"

You actually did, but it was his fault. When he started touching you it just felt like so much was happening way too quickly. "If you hated it that much, you could have just said so. I may have killed but I'm not so low that I'd force myself unto you." You frowned at his statement.

"Who said I hated it! I was the one that kissed you first you jerk. You think I did that just for kicks. "

He was still standing by you, and you weren't sure what it was he told himself on his way over here, but maybe he was trying to find a way to sabotage this before it could even go anywhere.

"I have no idea what this is, and I can't say that I planned for this to happen, but don't you think maybe it's some kind of sign. What are the chances that the both of us got stuck here. It could have been anyone else, so why me and you. Don't you think there's something bigger at play here."

"I stopped believing in faith a long time ago. Love to. So if you're here to convince me that under all the heinous crimes I've done you've somehow found it in your good little heart to-"

"I don't love you Eobard." his mouth slid shut.

"I'm not naive, I do have feelings for you. I'm not sure how it happened, or even why. But I don't love you."

"At least not yet."

"That doesn't mean that I can't. I already told you, I'm tired of this game we've been playing. You hate me, I hate you, it hasn't done us any good. Even if you don't believe, I think somewhere deep down, there is still a human being worth saving. I'm a cop, so it's my duty to save. So no matter how much you try to push me away and pretend that there's really nothing there, you kissed me back. You touched me. Whether you want to recognize it or not, you feel something for me." You walked over to him, stopping when you were face to face.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you feel absolutely nothing for me, and I'll never bring this up again. "

He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. You just smiled. Reaching out, you ran your thumb over his lower lip, and you could hear the breath he let out, blue orbs marking your own lips. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue." his eyes hardened, and you smirked, leaning forward and silencing any retort he would send back. He inhaled sharply, keeping his hands off your body. You had a feeling that was more for his reassurance than your own. With your lips still connected, you reached over, taking his hand and placing it on your lower back. You could feel his grip tightened, like he was holding back. His other hand wondered, slipping into your hair. You couldn't believe this was all really taking place. With Eobard no less. He was the last person you ever thought you'd have any kind of interest in, romantically that is. You moaned when the hand on the small of your back slid down to your butt. For a villain he sure knew how to kiss. He pulled away when he heard your little sound.

"Where..where does this leave us.." he muttered out.

"I don't know, but I'd really like to find out."

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