Chapter 11

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"It's me baby!!" You jumped, there was quite literally, a portal in the middle of your living room. And apparently it was alive because it just spoke. When someone jumped through you let out a sigh. "Oh thank goodness I thought the world was ending." you stated. The person who came through was none other than the nerdy engineer. "C-Cisco!" When the hell did he become a meta.

"Of course it's me. I'm hurt (Y/N). You've visited everyone but me. I was starting to feel betrayed. Please tell me you remember me." The breach behind him closed and you nodded, walking over to give him a hug. He laughed, patting your back happily. "Great, that's good. I'm honored you didn't forget your highness."

"Actually, I do remember you, but it's kind of the same as Iris. "

He feigned offense. "For real girl, I thought we had something special!" Yep, the dramatics was spot on, he was even wearing one of those dorky shirts. "Don't worry Cisco, I still love you." you joked. He laughed, nudging your arm. "Careful now, your husband might find out about our little affairs." he said wiggling his eyebrows playfully. You just giggled.

"Where is Eobard anyway. What kind of husband leaves his wife in a crisis! Eobard!"

"Cisco calm down. He's just at work. I got a few days off because of the whole shooting incident. He still has a job you know. "

"Right right, almost forgot. Well since you're free, how about we go breach jumping. Caitlin never wants to join cause she gets a little nauseous, but you always enjoyed it. "

"Is that true or are you just saying that because you know I don't remember." He laughed nervously.

"Whaaaat! I would never. Let's go." you didn't have much of a choice in the matter, he'd already opened another breach, jumping in with you in tow. So as you trailed behind, soaring through dimensions, your mind still strayed to the kiss. In all honesty, the days after it happened,
Eobard barely spoke.

He didn't completely ignore you, but he barely said much other than good morning and good night. You were starting to question your actions. It was more of an impulse move. "I have to apologize." When he got back you'd just tell him you were sorry. Obviously you'd cross the line by kissing him. Hell you had no idea why you did it. You hated the guy.


You blinked in surprise.

Past tense.

When did it become hated?


Your wild adventures with Cisco ended with him getting a call from Caitlin to stop messing around. He dropped you back at your place. With the remainder of the day still to enjoy, you decided to do some cleaning. It was your house after all. As you walked around doing chores, it felt a bit weird.

Were you a housewife now? You never really saw yourself being a stay at home person. It didn't take long either. The house was big, but not gigantic. Since you and Eobard had barely been utilizing the entire house, it left very little to pick up after. When you were done folding the last of your laundry, you took a seat at the edge of the bed.


Still so much time.

"Damn it I'm just going to go over there." You were hoping by the time you were done he'd be home already so you could talk. But time was moving so painfully slow. If you sat there with your thoughts you would end up blowing a fuse. Grabbing your keys, you head straight for the car. 

"He's going to have to talk about it, whether he wants to or not."


"Reschedule the appointments for Monday, I have a family dinner on Friday." the secretary nodded, walking off to make note of the change of plans. Eobard dropped into the chair, letting out a huff.

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