XV: Awakening to Slaughter

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Buliara was outside the room of Link's, still tired and weary, sitting in a wooden chair in dismay and sorrow. She had sat there staring at the bloodshed on the beds in the Gerudo bunker. She felt like she was burdened by weight just by gazing at the melancholic faces of Zelda and Riju. The reason she herself, felt this despondent state, was when a few hours after the attack upon Gerudo town came more bodies from Karra Karra Bazaar came in. One of the paramedics even notified that one of the captains, a close friend of hers who was Koubain, had died with the skull lodged in her brain. As the last paramedic declared a final corpse of the Gerudo guard, they were all wiped out. Everyone... Death of a whole regiment hadn't happened in a few centuries. She could feel the loss gouging her, and the vengeance to kill and exterminate Yiga gnawed at her like a wild Wasteland Coyote. She was just distressed, too many corpses laid on beds, too much blood and death rubbed in her mind. Blood was on her clothes and shoes and even many of the medics were doused in blood. Gerudo guards have been the only army locked in a war or fight every single day.

In the room where Link had rested in, with open curtains, sandstone brick walls and 4 crude wooden scone torches each mounted in a corner. Zelda sat on a wooden stool next to Link's bed waited with a streak of heartache. Then there was a sound similar to when the Master Sword when it wasn't at its full potential before the Trial of the Sword, powered up in the vicinity of Malice. Within Link's bag that rested near her feet, the Master sword lay inside. She opened the zip in curiosity as she heard it, and there the blade of evil's bane lay, illuminating with fluorescent sapphire incandescence. It burned with blinding light. For a split second, there was a cyan and violet figure, is that the person who's the voice in the sword, the one who helped me more than a century ago? Zelda saw Fi open her mouth and heard "Hylia," drift of in her mind. Zelda stared back at Link, with her continuing her curiosity in her head, the connection, are they really bound together? Link was starting to murmur, Zelda starting to look intently. Link woke up, his eyes feeling weighty, colour finally tinging into his face. The bandages were tight all over his body, some on his body and legs, but one very tight one, of an empty eye socket. He tried getting up, but then Zelda swooped and awkwardly embraced. Her head was over his shoulder and tears started to cascade. "Link! A-are you okay? Why'd you have you leave me huh! It's been 2 days you know! Are you alright?" Link was blushing and flustering in her hug, and even though he felt agonising pain he croaked, "I-I'm o-okay." He registered the fact of what Zelda just said, "Wait...2 days?!" She got out of her cuddle and whispered to not feel too awkward in front of others, "Yes but you pr-promised me to not you know." Link could see the grieving eyes of tears through his one eye, "It only enforced others to arrive at the haven of Hylia," Link was hollowed, the realisation of him being the responsibility of 5 murders, and talked with a wavering voice, "I deserve to die. Sooga may have killed them but I justified their demise! I'm the killer aren't I..." He punched with his right fist in the bed in anger despite shattering his wrist with a crack. The Queen staggered with his outburst. She muttered under her breath, She continued, "I feel like you're going to be agitated, after all of the blood you've seen, what trauma you may have felt, but what's the plan they have?" He stared and gulped ready to reveal the grisly sight of what the Yiga desired.

Link had informed the full plot they had, from the attacks upon Hyrule's major residencies to the abductions and deaths of tens and thousands. They also got ready, even though the Gerudo paramedics persistently insisted not to, hence, he had to keep the bandages and wear a cast on his left arm, the surgeons saying most of it is broken. His face's bandages were now also switched out for an eye patch and only one plaster wrapped around his forehead, that Link had removed instantly in resistance to the Gerudo nurse. His eye patch was coloured obsidian with aureate filigree in the shape of the Triforce and Hylian Crest. Additionally, the medics gave Link his cerulean eye in a thick and long vial cleaned from the blood and moisture, a notion which weirding out so he put it straight into his bag. He wore his max enchanted clothes of the Champion's Tunic, Hylian Trousers with a piece of the Hylian leather armour. Link had taken his bags and stared over the bunker of this underground town. There was so much carnage and blood. Gloom kept absorbing them as if it was clawing him, with Link obtaining the feeling of excruciating pain. To top it all of the regiment's family members were eying him with rage and tears. I've fucked up big time Link thought. The 2 were at the ladder, them saying their final apologies and byes. Link atoned, "I really am sorry. I truly am sorry. I just want to let you know that I take full responsibility for these deaths. Though I have one message, if any troop you can assemble who is determined enough to demolish and completely burn the Yiga Hideout it would be much welcome. An enemy's base is just as important as a home. But don't stress if it concerns you." Riju nodded, "I know it's hard to see many comrades die. Sorry. And Link, don't blame yourself..." Zelda pulled out the Slate, and she tapped the new travel gate for Hyrule Castle. They floated with a cover of cobalt, Zelda saying softly, "Sorry," for a final time before departing.

Link wasn't going to let what may have destroyed many of Hyrule's blood from a century ago kill others.

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