XIV: Recollection and Questions of Fate

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The day was bright and shiny though, in contrast, the event was grievous. 13-year-old Link had a face full of tears that he tried to conceal, him having his Cadet uniform, a tunic with an ivory rectangle running down the middle, the Hylian crest plastered over, bordered with pewter, over chainmail with armour-plated greaves. He was in the massive courtyard of the training garrison for Hyrule castle army. In front of him was 8 ornate wooden plinths, each topped with portraits. In the middle of them was a marble coffin, embellished in bouquets of vermillion, taffy and amber. Behind him were legions of soldiers, knights, royal officials and imperial guards, a stone path separating them. A leading individual Royal guard, shouted, "May your souls rest in peace... Bradburn Winston!" A salute was fired by everyone "Lokis Laufeyson!" and another, "Malo Raurelli!" and another gesture "Ashei Neregnory!" one more salutation "Auru Braun!" one more honorarium for a royal guard, "Rusl Arlet!" the same happened, "Shad Ramsay!" Tears continued while in tribute for them, "Telma Masters!" Then he yelled, "Masa Kirschstien!" Link unsheathing the Master Sword from its violet and golden scabbard, his sword he pulled out as a 10-year-old, raising it towards the sky. His father's soul shall look over him eternally. The last ever memory of him replaying, taking off to Mabe Village to protect its inhabitants, his last words being, "Goodbye... and Link, keep your mother safe. I beg of you... please,"

Relatively that same year of his father's death he took an emergency holiday from the barracks at the Military Training Camp in the Woodland. "M-mum, you'll be al-alright, right?" he stuttered, tears rolled down young Link, him staring at his mum's face. She had glossy blonde plaits draping to her shoulders, her eyes a turquoise, with a rose sweater worn over her slender figure, her hot pink pyjama pants under a blanket. She softly smiled and opened her mouth, but a harsh cough took over. She collected herself before she cooed, " I really don't want to answer that for your sake, a-and I know it's been a year since your dad has gone, but don't blame yourself if I go too. It's already much of a burden, and I just don't want it to get heavier. But can you promise me this, and I know she can take care of herself because she's 4 years older than you, but you'll protect Lucy right?" Link nodded, "I will but I don't want to lose you, mum." She kissed him softly on his cheek saying, "I'm sorry son. I couldn't raise you the way I dreamed. Let me sleep in peace, my child. I'm so sorry," her eyes then shut, her body sleeping in an eternal slumber of tranquillity. "Mum!"

The next day was her funeral. People were there with dismayed faces. Link was in his cream shirt and onyx tuxedo and jeans. Her sister Lucy Kirschstien had neat cascading jet black hair her cinnamon eyes swelling in tears. She leaned under Link's charcoal umbrella thundered under the rain, like everyone with ebony umbrellas. They were encircled around the gravestone, of Aethen Kirschstien. "Mum," Lucy whispered, "Why did you have to leave us. Why," Link put a leather-gloved hand over her shoulder and moved it to calm her. "We want them both, don't we," and then clenched tightly, teardrops trickling. "Why..."

His sister that night was weeping and had locked the door. Her raven jacket and slate blue jeans were ruined. Link was outside her umber door his head resting gently speaking softly murmuring, "I know we lost both of them, we lost a part of us. However, be grateful we still have each other you know," She quietened.

It had been 2 years seen their deaths, Link was now an official Knight and Lucy became a part-timer in a Hateno bar named Bronze Wolf Club. Link and Lucy had continued living at Hateno Village of their dead parents and his posting was luckily at Fort Hateno. Link came back to his house in the obsidian night, clad in his Knight's armour with the Master Sword. His sister had made some gourmet meat curry, for him. His glutton habit took over and had started shoving it up in his mouth. Lucy looked at him in a chuckle, "About me living with you," and Link replied even though the food was within in his mouth, "Damn this food is nice. Oh sorry yeah what is it?" She when she sat, responded softly, "I wanted to move to Kakariko. I have enough money, and I can go to the university in the town," Link raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?" but Lucy protested, "I  am independent enough, and anyway I'm older. I just didn't phrase it right. I bet the Hateno will take care of you," Link agreed before questioning, "Yeah I too will be ok living alone. Do you want to go because of Bradburn? You want to see the memorial right," his sister, looked with a streak of sadness, "Y-yes." Link complained, "But," though he was only cut off by the stern stare she had.

It has been a few days and Lucy had found a house in Kakariko, from their generation spawning building company called Bolson Construction. It was still light and she knew her route was going to take a day. Link looked at the chariot Lucy was in, Link still feeling remorseful saying, "Are you sure don't want me to ride, the chariot, or even just coming with you for guarding you," Lucy replied in objection, "Look I know you're worried about me but I'll be safe with your buddy Wyatt. It's been a nice time to be with you, Link. I know the road is dangerous to Kakariko. But I'm sure we'll meet sometime. I know we will," the plate armoured soldier nodded. He met her for the last time...

The Chariot was shot by flaming tips of volleys of arrows, the projectile being left by the Duplex bow, the archery weapons being held by carmine wearing footsoldiers of the Yiga. Screams were concealed in the onyx of the forest. The whole forest was ablaze in an inferno. The blademaster Erigor cackled, the lead of the attack...

He screamed, his wet tuxedo and jeans clinging heavily on him. "WHY! WHY DO I HAVE TO ATTEND A THIRD FUNERAL. WHY!" He was hugging tightly on the gravestone. He punched the damp virescent ground his knuckles bloodying up. "It's okay, Link. You should know I'm okay." He stared behind his shoulder, Lucy stood behind him, in a coiling turquoise lustre. She put a hand over his shoulder. "It was not your fault..."

9 months later Link was running, dashing towards a man clad in vermillion. He was in his Champion's tunic armed with the Master Sword.  He was appointed as a bodyguard for the Princess. The behemoth man slashed rotating behind him into a quick slash with his dual blades, Link going back into a defensive stance, trying to shuffle back. Sooga cartwheeled back into a puff of teleportation. Link looked tenaciously, staring, waiting to defend. Even Zelda huffed in a shock, behind him. Then off a roof came the strong frame of Sooga, flipping off, 3 kunai aimed...at Zelda. Link ran guarding Zelda coming in front of her. His sword flashed the trio of kunai deflecting it. They clattered everywhere and one stood on its tip. Sooga crouched on the stone. He spoke mockingly, "Hmph! I suppose destiny is at work, then. The future is fickle," He stood up after looking up then the kunai dropped where the Yiga were on stand-by. "Yiga clan! Time to go." They dissipated into a blast and talismans. Link thought to himself, "Yiga...fucking Yiga. They killed my parents and sister. Fuck the shit out of them..."

Link Kirschstien breathed in his Champion's Tunic, Hylian Trousers with a piece of the Hylian leather armour. He saw nothing, but an endless sable was all that he could see. He felt like he was floating. A cerulean glow manifested before him. It shaped into a feminine body. Then formed a sapphire skinned girl formed the face fully coloured in it, a fringe over her right part of her face, with a cloak with inverted cloak of cyan and heather. She had a blue gem on the top of her chest, with a dress of violet, with black leggings laced with aquamarine. She talked to Link who was in a trance of wonder in the curiosity of her identity. "Master, is that you?  It's been so long, maybe hundreds of millennia. You look so same only your clothing habits have changed I guess," she was referring to him having the champion's tunic, with Hylian armour, and the suit underneath the clothing. He came to consciousness that he wasn't scarred, missing an eye, or even dying. The lady yelped, "I may be losing power to help you in the real world. As the goddess's servant, Fi. I have come to tell you, that Hylia is going to lose her balance. Sooga will be too powerful. I know you wished you could've removed the Yiga before they were reunited by a master, but you couldn't. I'm sorry you have to pay for the seal of Hylia's fate, for it costs your destiny. She sends her apologies," her body started paling, before fading. Then evaporated into aegean dust as if it was a curtain. Then this powder expanded, then coated Link, though he called out, "Wait Fi!" He called Then pain shot up. Wounds like sword slashes and stabs were overlayed his body but didn't match up with his injuries by Sooga, like a sword fight he failed. Though his left arm had just disappeared, into the blood. Blood kept churning from his mouth. Then in his internal body's bones shifted, lurched, like the wind was in him, then a gust snapped every cartilage snapped. He dropped falling infinitely, his body felt unmovable, his voice feeling choked on and the only audio heard was the choking. Wind still glided into a violently burning. Then the wounds started blazing, into strings of flames. Then a pillar of rock just propelled at him from nowhere. Then all of his internal bones ruptured into fragments. His fingertips crackled, then It shot up like a current, like threads of thunder. He was shocked almost paralyzed. His lungs then filled up with water, just increasing his clogging in his throat, my vision was closing with eyelids heavy as bricks. Then he fell to unconsciousness.

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