II: Unsatisfying Vengeance

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The pathway to the shrine overlooked the whole of Kakariko. Dorian had reached the Ta'loh Naeg shrine after the blood bath of the rooftop pursuit. Dorian looked once more, overlooking bloody Kakariko. The blue light emanating from the shrine outlined him in the colour of a sapphire shine, in contrast to his bloodstained attire and bleeding leg.

A dark figure of average height and slender build wore a vermillion trench coat which had 6 jet black buttons, seen by Dorian from his vantage point, was standing on a bloody roof. The figure was on a side view with hands raised up in line with his chest in a hand position where the middle and pointer fingers of each hand were joined with the rest of the fingers interlocking. A dark cedar-coloured belt was also worn with a gleaming filigree belt buckle. There were red cargo harem pants, with pitch-black knee-high boots detailed with an ornate tendril pattern. The hazel gloves of the figure gleamed as it had plating forged out of ruby.  Their head tilted to face Dorian, revealing the ivory mask and Yiga emblem. A sable ponytail sprouted out of the head too. More of the Yiga in the same garments appeared in the aftermath of talismans and embers on the rest of the bloody roofs. Dorian had heard of a new rank Kakushi and inferenced that they were a part of the rank. He had overheard it from the 'subtle' spies of the Yiga talking about them and how they were so convenient. They weren't armed and hostile, and their purpose was to hide bodies, clean the blood and traces of Yiga attacks and take Yiga corpses for burial. It seemed they were only to take and clean Yiga blood and corpses. They rinsed blood with buckets the had materialised. Others took bodies and teleported back. He had a doubt they may take Koko and Cottla but they didn't.

 He trudged, leaving the Kakushi to their jobs, towards the surrounding forest daubed in a concealing viridescent. The bushes and trees were dark and gloomy in the late twilight hours. Dorian continued the path where it splits, taking to the right side. He continued the path curving first towards the right going straight for some time in that direction and curving left to go straight again and then a bridge arrived, and that oddly if you were looking at Hyrule for the first time thought it was unconventional to have a wooden bridge on a pond. The full moon had illuminated within the water.

He unsheathed the Eightfold blade out of the scabbard on his hip, precariously watching. Anger had consumed the warrior, whose dearest were no more. He got closer to the shrine, as a flush of memories from days ago, no weeks- or was it months, he didn't care, all his mind kept flashing of was Koko and Cottla... their corpses. He reached the Lakna Rokee shrine an azure light emanating like Ta'loh Naeg's shrine. The whipping of air got colder and faster, a presence standing on the absorbed pedestal of the shrine. "I'M DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING PLAYS. YOU COME OUT YOU COWARD." Crimson embers materialized, and with a spark of smoke, a behemoth samurai stood. With dark carmine gauntlets worn over a sanguine coloured costume with ornate blood-red and a dull obsidian fabric worn over each one another to form leg pads worn up to his thighs, a gunmetal grey textile being worn as short sleeves over the arms, amber cloth dappled with dark spots put in place by ebony leather belts rusted metal around the armpits, a robust build donning all this, and a face covered by a mask with an insignia of the Yiga, the rest of the head covered by a bright rufescent hood and black hair sprouting out, 2 belts with embellished buckles crudely worn on his hips to hold a scabbard starting with an onyx tube to a hay extension, a cumbersome sword unsheathed pulsated with stark white light. "Hello again Dorian," a calm passive male voice thundered having slight movements from his face. "You have seen what you have already done. Your kids have been no more. If only you hadn't gone for that girl 10 years ago. You would be living in peace with wealth. Most of all you would live as a respected warrior." Dorian snarled in disgust looking upon the same warrior he called a friend many years ago, the samurai that no one has escaped from, Miyamoto Musashi. "This is the warrior who is showered in respect for nothing, killing people through treachery and cowardice. One would not call you a warrior, but a SERVANT OF WHO IS NO MORE!" His tone angered with every word he spat.

Miyamoto chuckled under his breath, "You were always stubborn Dorian, only problem is... SO AM I!" He ran towards a tree, swift and rapid with every movement, only a scarlet blur to Dorian, leapt towards the ancient bark, upon landing for a short time sprung utilizing all his momentum, leaping as high as blocking the moon outlining him in alabaster light, and as if motion slowed down, he sliced in the air. Cleaving the wind as if a Goron wrestling a Hylian, it sent a pale achromatic coloured wave. Dorian who had no shield to defend himself threw in the verdant greenery of the floor. The wave barely missing his feet gave off a wooshing burn. Miyamoto landed and despite the lofty height he fell from, his feet's planting was inaudible. Dorian stood up in expeditious desperation and came looking to a dashing samurai. With his stride having his weapon in range towards Dorian he attempted to lacerate him, but nay with one swift glide to his opponents unguarded back he gashed his opponent's shoulder. Kicking him in the chin in his already hunched position he came face to face Miyamoto having a stunned fatigue. Dorian hopped on Miyamoto's shoulder; blade drawn sliding across in a slit on his opponent's neck. "GAH!" He clutched his neck tight. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Where Dorian landed a meter away, he slashed ruthlessly 2 times sundering the wind with waves and using the momentum of the last hit he used his front leg to spin in the air and smashed the windcleaver downwards. A soaring wave was produced. As the trio of waves got closer one faster than the other, Dorian had his surroundings in place and as he breathed out he jumped to flip backwards onto an angle, a droning wave missing his side. Something crunched behind him. He had his eyes focused on his opponent. He dodged the other two waves. "Game's over Miyamoto, tell me where he is NOW!" The samurai sniggered under his breath, "Impatience was what struck you 10 years ago and today... it's your demise..." A finger was shot by him behind Dorian, his position impassive and mouth silent, blood still churning out from the tight hood and his gashed shoulder. Dorian looked behind in desperation. A tree crunching behind him, with the base sliced of, fell. Dorian attempted to dodge this. He flickered in consciousness with a plan. As the tree fell Dorian flipped onto it. Time perceived was motioned slow towards him, as he ran on the slanting tree, coming to the end of it. He somersaulted off into the midnight streaked sky. The tree came with a bang of noise. Miyamoto expected to see Dorian squished under the tree his body corroding underneath it. However, it was plain with nothing underneath. "DORIAN!" He screamed. "Heads up!" a voice uttered upwards. Dorian plunged the Eightfold blade downwards slashing a wound across the samurai's wide frame, blood dripping from the spreading tear. He groaned in pain, clutching to himself unbearing in the pain. Dorian charged once more with a merciless thrust in the stomach, with blood starting to drip uncontrollably. Dorian leaned closer to the warrior's ear, and through clenched teeth uttered, " WHERE IS HE," snickering escaped the defeated warrior only to choke up more blood internally behind the mask, and squeezed out, "Right behind you,"

A slender footsoldier of the Yiga, a garb worn using a contrast of dull charcoal fabrics, bright scarlet, gauntlets with a dark rose and sprouting hair out of a Yiga mask, had a Duplex bow drawn a Vicous sickle shoved in the belt. The vibration of the arrows releasing was heard. Dorian who with a meteoric evading movement left the warrior falling, sword still embedded, and the arrows that travelled blindly struck Miyamoto's plummeting body, one at the right eye the stone tip fully through, and the other having the wooden shaft fully through the neck. His windcleaver clanged to the ground. The soldier that had appeared had vanished. Though... the whipping of air suggested the person was present. Dorian ran for the implanted blade his back turned to where the mercenary had been. Sparks behind him arisen behind. Dorian closed his eyes and with his two withered hands on the leather hilt, he thrust once more behind him. A low shout of pain was spoken by a rough young voice. Dorian turned around to see the lodged blade in a warrior. Dorian strode forward, pushing the weapon in more, through the body of the Yiga soldier, ruby drizzling along the grass floor. "You fucker, you took EVERYTHING FROM ME!" "Before you pull your weapon out of me, go give the scroll Miyamoto has, give it to your Hero," the dying soldier smiled inside once more, as Dorian pried it out of him.

Dorian looked around the grassland surrounding the Lakna Rokee Shrine. The shrine itself Koko and Cottla's corpses lingered on his mind and the soldier's last words ignited curiosity. He realised that killing him would only give justice to his children. Many of Hyrule have fallen in the past few years. The Yiga need to be erased... but he does not have the power to but the Hero himself. As the Yiga member stated he searched Miyamoto and found a scroll. A scroll that left his mind to go wild with concern. 

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