VIII: Midnight Meet Up

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It had been long since they went out in the town. Last time the Queen and the imperial knight went outside was when Zelda asked for something to drink with a meal. She forced Link to buy her a Noble Pursuit and get her drunk, him persistently trying to say no, though he eventually gave in as she almost started sobbing. He also bought a few mushrooms and used the Courser Honey he had in his traveller's bag, to cook up Glazed Mushrooms. They had it around 9 pm, the Queen's eyes heavy as bricks with mumbling after the alcohol got to her and as usual Link was denied it due to his size and probable age. The dish had sated both of them, with Link devouring the last meal before going back to his own room to be awake for the night. Zelda had already gave him possession of the Sheikah Slate to teleport to the Yiga clan later. He had already packed his gear including Yiga weapons. He had gone to the GSC and while Greta was asleep on the ground drool slobbering over the counter, had the ruby clothes ready for him. He packed that too in his backpack, before going to the chief Riju's room, Gerudo guards wielding Moonlight Scimitars allowing him to enter, a little irritated that it wasn't appropriate to wake or even enter their leader's room. Her room was covered in ornate curtains and mats. She was still lying in his bed snuggled up with her plushies. Link poked her lightly. She barely opened her eyes her virescent eyes scarcely seen. He whispered, "Get Naboris and Patricia ready," and remarkably she lively rose from her bed, "I'm ready!" She looked at Link's shocked face. "Well get Buliara and some of your best guards to accompany you to the travel to Naboris." Riju started pondering, "Oh, yeah I remeber! I always put Vah Naboris near the Arbiters Ground. The people kinda don't like it around the town just towering over them." Link nodded before started going out and uttered, "Sav'orq!"

Link had stood on the town square, gazing at the obsidian twilight sky, stars sprinkled as if glistening sprinkles. He had drawn 3 fire arrows from his quiver, it's tip infused with cardinal fire. He also pulled his bow from the weighty backpack aiming the projectile upwards. Initially hauling it tight let the string go. It soared, and when it reached to its peak it exploded into flames as if fireworks looking scenic from below. Link had only hoped his message had come through...

...and it did. Daisuke kindled Haru's alabaster hair staring in the window already alarmed from the vivid fire. "Haru it's time." The young brother blinked his eyes open, "I bet the others are already outside." They had immediately advanced outside before checking out with Kachoo, whose name they finally knew. Also, Haru's guess was right the others had similarly checked out and came outside on the sands of Karra Karra Bazaar. "We can use the Sand seals," Atsushi suggested, but was utterly dismissed by Kazuhiko, "All of us don't have a harness nor shield. I suggest we go now instead of the seals on foot." Words snipped through the air like a knife, "Well we have to make sure now that you don't," the deep voice uttered. The party turned around to see a Yiga blademaster, leading a troop of footsoldiers of 30. Arakan went for the hilt of his Crusher, but Daisuke lifted his arm in stopping him, "We should let the Gerudo soldiers do for them and achieve our go-" a seismic punch in the earth rending the ground leading a trail before a rock punched upwards aimed for Daisuke, to which he flew as a ragdoll face-planting in the sands in a very forceful manner. "Daisuke!" Haru shouted. He attempted to stand up vigorously though his movements were rigid. Kazuhiko yelled out when the Yiga soldiers charged at the group, "KOUBAIN!" They turned to flee with Atsushi looking over his shoulder to see the gate to the Gerudo garrison open swarming with troopers of the race, lead by the Gerudo commander Koubain her face snarling, "You FUCKIN' YIGA, MY DO I WANT KILL YOU!" Scimitar clanged with arrow, spear against sickle and Koubain's temper directed to the towering behemoth of the blademaster their claymore and windcleavers battering together. "GO!" she shrieked. They continued, but blazes of vermillion emerging into soldiers of the Yiga curved blades slashing at the running fighters, them swerving away. Countless attempts being made. "Tch, I ain't keeping up with this shit," He pulled out his metallic bow draw 3 ice arrows the deep sky blue tip emanating brightly. He somersaulted backwards stretching the bowstring. Dashing Yiga were impacted in rapid ice arrows. Their body was numb in statis, coated in azure, the temperature nauseating and impassive. Arbitrarily they combusted in a miniature detonation shards of ice flying around as if brisk shrapnel, the troopers crumbling down the Demon Carvers and Duplex bows buried in the sand. They continued in hopes that the Gerudo soldiers can help, Daisuke limping attempting to sprint with Haru's support. They continued they're scrambling faltering. Up ahead the Northern Icehouse's rock that encased its edges were visible. Behind them another Gerudo propelled a scimitar through another body, Koubain mutilating in the blademaster in its forearm, it getting stunned, leaving an opportunity to kill the warrior, but nay, a blazing punch coalesced with earth cleaving magic. Her skull snapped first and also giving way to a rupture it the lady being flung away her head completely broken. They reached the rock encasing the ravaged pillars of sandstone. Arakan In the distance in their south-western vision saw Link had a harness tied to a Sand-seal his Hylian shield shredding through the sand, the gem in his headpiece narrowly glimmering in the dim night sky. As he reached the rocky landscape, flipping in front putting back the legendary shield landing into the stone, drawing his sword once he landed when he heard the young voice of Haru, "LINK!" who had looked back to see a littering of Gerudo trooper's corpses making blood their beds. He ran once he saw the Yiga combatants. He was interrupted by a Yiga samurai, that already had a cumbersome katana in position to smash, though Link's reflexes were quicker. He had his Hylian shield to parry the windcleaver deflecting the wind-wave it being dissolved, him jumping with a gash to the face that was lead by a bold scream. He violently lunged impaling the behemoth's torso, a whisper croaking, "No... not like thi-" He rammed even harder, though he wheezed even harder coughing up more blood the giant slit also stirring up more blood, "Even if I am dead Master Sooga will kill you and what you hold dear." Link already pulled it out letting the blademaster become a corpse bloodying the golden sands into carmine. The other combatants jumped dropping to the ruins. The Yiga were already arriving around them. Link barked at the 5, "Take this bag, Arakan wear the blademaster outfit rest wear the footsoldiers suit, close the trapdoor to the Northen Icehouse. I'll take on the others. NOW GO!" He handed the bag to Kazuhiko. Though the Yiga had already closed the proximity to reach the Icehouse, and some were discharging arrows, which were dodged hardly. However, the troop of Yiga were cleared swiftly by the glowing sword of legend it's illuminating waves blasting them away. Link slashed 3 times then repeating the slashes even harder before smashing it into the ground another wave that was more immense than the others, almost splintering the whole military. He started to advance with his charging associates. The wooden trapdoor was still open as usual. They reached it them diving into the stone staircase. Link being the final one inside the Icehouse and fired a normal stone-tipped arrow at the base of the trapdoor. It closed with a thwang, Link smashed to the ground, the rough floor being impacting him with bruises. He didn't mind the scrapes him promptly getting up. Anche was bewildered her armour also glimmering it being malachite with a few fuchsia flower designs as a part of the armour, embellished with gold, also bangles up her arm, her mauve lose pants started with a belt of aureate a jewel of scarlet, then a violet cloth, under it pants of lilac and horseshoe designs of a dark lavender, leading to plate shin armour of the same ornamentation of the flower design, which also appeared on her chest. Her mouth inside her virescent mask was quite perplexed. "Is there a room we can change in?" Haru asked in to calm Anche's bafflement.

They had went to a little locker room, too which all of the men wore the Yiga clan's attire, Arakan being the only one who wore a blademaster outfit, due too his size. Link fished in his burdening bag for all the Yiga weapons with Link and Kazuhiko getting Demon Carvers, Atsushi, Daisuke and Haru receiving Vicious Sickles and Arakan as being portrayed as a Yiga blademaster acquired a Windcleaver. They looked at their weapons not knowing about these weapons, being from ancient Sheikah history. They stared at the Hero waiting for his next commands. Anche was already sleeping, it had been far too long to be awake. "We are going from, the rear of the Hideout, so we might not be found, unless they really upgraded their security. They may know that we are present but we will only be ordinary Yiga, just they won't even know. My plan is that, at one point we will evacuate then Riju, the Gerudo chieftain who'll crush the whole Hideout along with the clan. If we are caught and worst of all do not make it  I'll tell her to not come there, because if she does, all the Yiga will immediately flee. So we are going there right now." He pulled out the Sheikah Slate his finger already directed on the icon of Kihiro Moh Shrine. He tapped it, them floating before, dispersing into cobalt curls to the hideout of the Yiga clan.

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