I: The pain of the ex-Yiga

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The weariness was stuck in his eyes, his visions blurry. He languidly sat up. Sobbing intensified, tears spluttering as if rainfall against the scarlet immaculate and renovated house of the Shiekah warrior. His cold grey eyes almost forged as if stone to a horrific image. Ruby streaks were all he could visualise, but as appalling as he saw it, 2 miniature figures yelped out despite a gloved hand covering them with force. The smaller figures, in comparison to the unnaturally slender man, were wearing pearl white kimonos, the traditional clothes of Kakariko. He rose rapidly in anxiousness... Koko and Cottla. The figure rose a sickle with a blinding glint through the showering of off-white light of the moon. He strode forward in desperation. The blood pumped in his head, sweat drooled out of his hoary hair into his musty spiked beard. However, there he witnessed something he cursed to never see again in his life. He wasn't fast enough. A splatter of cardinal blood fell on the furbished wooden floor. The kids slumped on the floor slits on their neck gurgling with cascading blood. The youthful man who he finally caught a glimpse of had a snow-coloured mask, plastered meticulously, a wine-coloured red replica of the Shiekah's symbol, turned upside down. His mind throbbed with emotional pain, his heart pulsing as if it wasn't there. He knew the person was wearing a mask, despite feeling a broad smile of pain-seeking that scorched hollows in his mind.

With a second's transpiration, he had a cool metal blade on his neck, tainted with dripping blood. His neck was slightly jerked forward by the man. All his eyes could perceive were two corpses, of kids... his own kids. "Relish it," the man rasped, "Burn it within your mind, gobble up your failure, show that you could not save your own children. If let alone you fail up to every task you're given, you're nothing but a symbol of a warrior's disrespect." A quick chuckle escaped from the man's lips. He turned to look at the soldier, his eyes burning with emotion screaming internally, slowly twitching with pain. The young and playful voice uttered, "Aw don't give me that look. You should be well aware you were capable to kill me, and yet what do we have here... your two children slumped on the ground," the young man paused only to come closer towards his ear and whisper as if it was a sort of child's game, "Cause there dead." Arbitrarily the man turned the sickle, smashed the hilt of it in the Shiekah's throat, used his elbow to cause damage in his skull and kicked him in his left knee on the ground. Then with another low psychotic cackle, he disappeared in vermillion embers leaving Yiga talismans in its wake.

He turned to see his fallen children, tears started streaming. He didn't care about,  for what any sane person, the immense pain not caring about an inward throat, shattered skull and cracked knee. Dorian wept for what in his imagination was a long time. He saw his own kin die in front of him. Not only has he reneged himself, but he also failed his own wife's spirit, that he felt she was looking down with him on rage and fury. His weeping stopped, if he were to grieve would the Yiga get lambasted... no. His face hardened in anger. He was not letting them be a force that would scare everyone.

He went outside leaving his dead kids just lying bloody, though he did cover them in a blanket, one that they really loved. He gave Koko and Cottla, each of their favourite teddies next to them, keeping it clean from the crimson. He knew his house would be found in a grisly sight. Blood was like a sauna in his residence. He had taken his sheathed and blood-stained Eightfold Blade from the wall weapon-mount he had and placed it on his waist. He stepped out limpingly into the wake of the empty midnight. His cascading tears were used up. He had anger boiling now.

New houses were installed and that also came with renovation for the current houses during the 'Revolution' post-Calamity. The Irimoya-zukuri roofs were red velvet on top of newly creamy off-white-coloured houses. Each varied in size, though previously there were not as many before hence Kakariko is very large in size. Though Impa's house still surrounded by Lantern falls was increased in size and renovated with another additional level, all constructed in the newly arrived design, therefore a preeminence in size out of all the houses. 

An arrow cut through the air rustling his snowy hair out. Barely missing, he looked up at a Yiga footsoldier archer. 20 footsoldiers appeared on the new roofs, with 6 wielding Duplex Bows, 9 brandishing Vicous Sickles and the rest 5 holding Demon Carvers. He knew they were going to chase him, to prevent him from, so he had to wipe them out. Arrows started firing, with twangs of bows' being silent. Dorian wall jumped his way up to the adjacent roof. He twirled midair and decapitated the Vicious Sickle holder, before taking on the 2 Demon Carver combatants. He threaded his Blade into the Carvers then pulled back so hard that the Yiga were flung into the air before a friendly fire killed them, leaving blood on the claret-coloured roof. He slid down it and jumped off to stab through a defenceless archer's intestines. As they fell he is spun to take out 2 soldiers within his radius and their sickles fell with a clang. The nearest archer was decapitated by Dorian, just as another vicinal came along to jump. In those ephemeral seconds, Dorian kicked the falling head like a ball to block the Yiga's view and permitted him to skewer the 2 heads with the Sheikah sword. Another sickle fell to the ground as the body lay motionless falling of the weapon along with the head. He was shot into the calf, enraging him to slash open a Yiga who operated with a carver and then used him as a human pincushion. He went behind the other side of the roof as he reached for a Duplex bow and a bundle of  10 arrows that fell off the decapitated soldier. He had started sniping the others, missing 3 hits, though taking out an individual who held a carver, 3 archers and 3 more sickle wielders using the double shot. He had painted the roofs in a much darker shade than it was beforehand. Jumping and dashing from arrows he flipped towards the next and next roof, passing body by body. Blood coated his face, beard and hair and kimono so much, the one drooling from his calf camouflaged. He jumped towards the occupied top roof of Impa's, splitting and shredding into carnage the last 2 Yiga who held sickles. The archer who remained was a rapid firer though Dorian's skill with the blade chopped all of the arrows until they ran out. "None of us that you've massacred here is the culprit. And I'm not telling his whereabouts either," the woman spoke, unknowingly her last words as Dorian replied, "I know. I would have known if there was his blood on my blade. But you will tell his whereabouts." An arrow materialised in her hand out of embers and Yiga talismans and stabbed it up her head all the way through, falling off the roof onto the ground with a crack. His fury boiled as red as the shore of blood that drenched him. He looked at the bloodbath upon the roofs and floor of Kakariko. He had to persist to kill he swore that he won't see that footsoldier unless it was a corpse.

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