XII: Torturing Memories

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The musky air hit Link's nose, the taste acrid coating his tongue. His burdensome eyelids trying to blinker open, his cerulean eyes faded and tattered. He first was bewildered at a vision that was upended, him thinking it was his weary bones and fatigued mind that was hexing his sight. Though he really was suspended in the air, the garments he wore on his torso and arms were shredded off only his pants were there, though they still were spread with giant slits. Shackles chained at his ankles that lead to the timbers of the ceiling. On the side of his head, a bruise was swelling in a dirty colour. In front of him was Sooga in a midget wooden chair, his head resting on his intertwined fingers, and who now leaned back, "Took you long enough you know. Conveniently 30 minutes remain until Yiga bomb the Gerudo town. But before I start to have fun in disfiguring you, I wanted to show you your comrades. Or what's left of them." Link was fazed for a second until he saw 5 bloody smears. 5 Yiga, with the same weapons and clothes matching Arakan, Atsushi, Daisuke, Haru and Kazuhiko. His eyes widened in horror, him starting to stir writhing, emotion starting to burden him, "YOU!" he shrieked, Sooga pestered at his attempt of opposition to his cuffs, "You want to know about your childhood, amnesiac hero?" The upturned Link kept squirming relentlessly, forcing Sooga to stand up for a fist for his nose, under the knuckles it cracking, blood trickling out of it flowing into his golden blonde hair. He shouted in a sharp and hoarse yell. His hands grabbing his nose, and snapped it back, only to drizzle more, him roaring, "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK FUCK!" Sooga sat down back, "So let me tell you about your parents. Your dad was a royal guard, a courageous protector. Let me tell you a bit about how he fell. Heh heh, the fallen guard I killed with my own 2 blades..."

It was an ebony night dotted with implacable clouds raging with cold torrential raindrops, accompanied with crackling lightning, the occasional luminous moon was dusky. Under a great tree of Mabe Village, laid the bloody figure wielding his broadsword blood caking his sword, facing a towering warrior with two swords. With a war cry, the Royal guard dashed slashing, at the Yiga's neck 6 curving lacerations, 1 thrust and finally a jumping attack. Sooga guarded and parried. "I'LL GIVE ANYTHING FOR HYRULE!" He hollered. He jumped...over him. Sooga ushered, "What is the point if you miss," He stabbed into his back, "YAH!" Sooga clutched the longsword pulling it as if it was nothing and threw the man. He flew into the mud his head bashing into the tree trunk. He wore a navy blue uniform with scarlet accents, gold lining the edges. He wore a beret badged with the Hylian symbol. His onyx greaves lay under his ivory knee-high boots. His uniform was caked in dirt and mud, locks of his dirty pitch hair falling into his coffee-coloured eyes. His name was Masa. "Hu..." He struggled to stand up and stumbled before tripping, banging into the coarse bark. He grappled at the hilt his movements stuttering. He slashed ploddingly, that move easily seen by Sooga, his Sheikah swords fought at the obsidian, cardinal and cloud coloured sword, the tip of the weaponry sliced off. Masa grunted under the tenacious grip of Sooga. He impelled the second-in-command of the Yiga, him only staggering back. Masa hastened, though instead of using an attacking utilising his momentum, he slid under the battle stance of Sooga splattering the liquid of mud everywhere beneath him. He managed to stand up in the right time to fight pushing with every bit of his energy. Then before an arching move came to his chest. He tried to leap, with a scrabbling flip. He settled on a sword balancing on it, before him springing in the air, and somersaulted before thrusting towards Sooga's head. The enemy glanced upwards, before slashing skywards using an x formation, where Masa's attempt to impale his head failed. His blade was literally chopped to the guard, and with this he was tossed aside. Masa was weary and dying, but Sooga was not done. He walked up slowly to the harmed man and grabbed at his neck, "Your child ushers he wants to be like his dad, but you cannot win a 1v1 with a warrior makes you pathetic. You here me, PATHETIC!" He screamed at the blood-washed face of the fading Masa. He chucked him in the air, as he then pierced them both of the 2 swords, the tears filling with blood, and his mouth already vomiting ruby too. In his last moments, images flickered, of comrades, friends, his mum and dad, his wife, and now fatherless child. He felt the blades drawn out of him, and he now lay lifeless...

Link was astonished with rage and grieving now knowing he was his facing his father's killer. Sooga's monologue didn't just tell him about his calamitous fall of his father, he learnt everything about his tragic childhood. About his friends and family, all of them already dying, before Link even became an adult. His lament for everyone he lost, struck him, blinkering images of all his relatives' final days and words. Echoes stalked in his mind, "Remember Link keep your mother and sister safe. Okay? I must go now and well, Goodbye..." along with "I'm sorry son. I couldn't raise you the way I dreamed. Let me sleep in peace, my child. I'm so-sorry," and "It's been a nice time to be with you, Link. I know the road is dangerous to Kakariko. But I'm sure we'll meet sometime. I know we will." Tears poured everywhere his eyes burning it out, with streams of it flowing out of it. Now he knew the burden he had a century ago. The demons of the burden. "You know I did like emotionally blackmailing you, but it lasted for a short time. Shall we get bloody?" He snapped with his fingers and in his hand an emanation of haze gave way to a thin metal rod, one of the ends absorbed with a vivid blazing vermilion of fire. He then placed it on Link's chest, him screeching, "AAAAAAAH!" Sooga asked, "You like the burn?" it was a psychotic question. Patches of heat gave way to blood. The fire scorched him punitively. The conflagration exploded with excruciating agony. His wailed continued endlessly. It was like him being in the crater of Death Mountain itself. He let go after a while, Link gasped in a crying yelp. He grabbed at chunks of bruises, in wheezing of tears. Sooga looked at his strain in the wounds of torture and gloated, "We are only getting started," The rod dissipated to a wooden bucket embroidered with steel. Inside it was water so cold was largely frosty, it's source was thawed ice from the Hebra region preserved by even more crystals of solidified water. Sooga splashed it all over him. Link shivered his lips going indigo instantly his bloody contusion splaying with pain damaging his tissue furthermore. His eternal outcry sprung again. Sooga let Link go deranged while another weapon of, for him, joyous abuse came in his hand. A baton with razor projections was this weapon. As he came closer to a crying Link, his baton was winded behind him...then he started to bash him.  Blood stained the club it drizzling all over the weapon. It was all accompanied by Link's roars.  With most of his face and chest in blood. "Did you know the head's a Hylain's weakest spot?" Sooga asked lunatically, him leaning to his Demon Carver at his ankle, the hilt of it holding upwards towards Link's forehead, and continuing with his torturesome ways started to smash at his forehead. Link was barely breathing and fought his eyes to not fall in blackness. Sooga knew Link's healing power was going to kick in if he killed him, so he allowed Link to suffer exceedingly. "AAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAH!" Sooga stopped after another while, looking at Link who's body was ruined with matted blood and ruthless tears. "One more thing I want to tell you. Art is really calm don't you think. Something I like painting is our clan's symbol. You wouldn't mind art piece?"The weapon he wore behind his back was a weapon called a Kusarigama, a chain-sickle, with Sooga's one having a handle with ornate ruby and coal colours, with a long chain towards a burgundy handle to a golden sickle-like blade dotted in scarlet spots. He turned to the stern of Link, to face his back. As he had stated about art, him liking to draw the Yiga symbol, started to use the blade of the kusarigama, embedding the emblem with colour of red using Link's blood. He drew it like an upright eye cause when Link would stand up be inverted. He had finished the bleeding and dripping art. He turned to the face of Link. "One more gift for you," He slashed into his left eye squelched it in the socket with pouring vermillion. He yelled with a piercing screech. It was deafening and showed agony his face truly abysmal. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Sooga looked at his cursing remark. "I guess you're right, that I have had much fun with you." and holding his blade he sliced through the chain, like butter. He grunted in more affliction, Sooga spitting, "Here's your piece of technology," the towering man giving the Sheikah Slate. Link's incapacitated arm reaching out for it, turning the screen for the map, where Naboris was in Arbiter's Ground's ruins, but stared at the shrine near Gerudo Town. "Go now. Tell them they're fucked. Now will you go now one-eye?" His mouth even drooled with blood on it. He tapped it, and his body depleting into curls. To warn the Gerudo about their fate.

  Very sorry for the update. Got really busy. Anyways shout out to Bard13 for voting this. See ya!

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