III: The scroll

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It was dawn, and barely any people were on the streets of Kakariko. Link who was already a person who is used to an early sleeping routine, had shopped at the market of general goods. The market had increased in size, with a variety of stalls set up by new people who have arrived in the 5 years. The food was what he and the Queen loved. He knew he and the queen were going to gulp down some leftover fruit cake but he decided to plan out some food, with some ingredients of dishes such as fried egg and rice, mushroom rice balls, salt grilled mushrooms and maybe some salmon meuniere. The expansion of supply from merchants skyrocketed so you can have products from an expansion of diverse regions from Tabantha's wheat, Eldin's Goron spices, Lanaryu's Armoured Carp, Gerudo Desert's Hydromelons and many other native wares from each region. With the cost up to 125 rupees he gave it in too the kind and newly settled young Hylian lady named Cheryl. Her face smiled as she saw almost a daily shopper that she felt was very kind and it being honourable being with the Hero. He walked down the paved alleyway towards the Inn.

He passed Symin who as usual was slumped to sleep on the counter. As he walked up the stairs in the room in aureate bold numbers, he pushed it open passing the snuggled up Queen, and then storing the groceries in the fridge. As Link approached the bed where Zelda was covered in blanket sheets, her limbs were spread everywhere in awkwardness. In a kind and asking voice he said, "Your Highness, it may be early, but I sincerely ask for you to wake up so we can leave Kakariko by sundown towards Zora's domain. However, if you have any business with the Sheikah elder you are inclined to." Zelda's eyes blinked open in deep slumber. "You know how many times I tell you still don't listen. You don't have to treat me like we only work together. We're more than that... we're friends."Link nodded in agreement "Sorry I always forget that, I guess my memories cling on to me. " Zelda who in her dressing gown went to the attached bathroom of the lavish inn. She had brushed her teeth before undressing from the silk gown. She filled the tub with lukewarm water. Zelda first dipped her bare feet in feeling the water sway down her feet before moving into the tub. It was quite tranquil, to have these types of baths. These past few weeks she had voices whispering in her head, those with unrecognisable wantings. It was so calamitous that what they were crossing over to her dreams, and what those voices showed were nauseating. Carnage was the last thing she wanted for Hyrule, or in her head.

Link who had the load that was needed for their travels, neatly packed into a travellers bag, putting in necessities like water, food, campfire materials a sleeping bag, and a tent, but kept his set of weapons on his back; the Master sword sheathed within the scabbard, the Hylian shield and the Traveller's bow. He took unhurried and relaxed steps down the short route towards the mammoth house of Impa. Zelda who was taking her time made Link stay out Impa's house, waiting calmly. The Queen who finished her soothing bath strode down the wooden varnished steps towards Link, wearing her Hylian tunic with her trousers of the same travellers wear. Her short blonde hair draped into her pulled back hood dancing in the winter breeze. The Sheikah Slate hung on her hip held by a bronze leather belt. Her face neutral she came over to Link where they climbed the flight of wooden stairs that we're wet after yesterday's wet and thunderous weather with the hail cracking a bit of the railings. Link opened the ornate maroon double doors to Impa's house Zelda following close behind a grin stretched out looking at the shrivelled composure of the Sheikah elder Impa. As Zelda tread with an enthusiastic pace towards the old lady she said, "We're leaving today so I wish I could ask you for some advice." she sat down neatly on the polished wooden floor. "Now advice you say. That is one must harness through self-experience, but if it may worry considerably I am here for you. Ask away, dear..." her croaking words clinging to the air. Zelda's face had a grieving face worn over now. With sadness crossing her voice, " I've been getting reports Yiga attacks have been up on the rise. I feel like it's connected with the dreams I have, bloodbath in Hyrule will be inevitable... or so I feel." With that topic her eyes drooped in shame, "And I can't do anything about these, but just stand back and see these premonitions knowing something bad will ensue Hyrule." Impa's face hardened, worried with the Queen's concern. She knew this, queens were, always hearing voices the premonitions echoing in their head of ancient spirits related to the dreams the ladies of Hyrule had. "You cannot stop this..." she says it after a while. The queen opened her mouth in a gasp almost tears about to ruse up in her viridescent eyes, "Is there no w-wa-", she was cut off by Impa's wheezing, "Though this voices will stop, if they are premonitions, you need to find what the source, and then eliminate it." Impa replied softly. "O-ok. I want to talk about something else, but it requires Link to be dismissed." Zelda ushered through a cracked voice. Link nodded in agreement still outside in the entrance and neatly closed the doubled doors.

Dorian was running towards Impa's house, but what confused Link was blood stains on his traditional clothes, an Eightfold blade dripping with red in his right and his left a scroll withered and dark but blood splashed over. "Link!" he came up with stutters. Once he reached the calm walking Hero he grabbed at him in desperate pleas, "I need you to see this!" Link with a bewildered look but had agreed to the teary face of Dorian his kimono reddened, his leg bleeding and a trail of blood following behind him. He followed up to the scenic view of the Tal'oh Naeg shrine. The shrine's surrounding grass was doused in Dorian's blood when he was going to kill Miyamoto. Speaking of which, Link had found a cloth from the market to seal the blood loss. They saw Dorian's house being crowded by a couple of people. They had others finding soldiers. Link's was way too concerned and curious. "Koko and Cottla t-t-they're-," he couldn't grasp on his words but continued in a coughing and strained voice, Link having his eyes wide, "By the Yiga. I didn't leave that monster who killed my daughters." that's why he was bloody Link worried, "I found something though. A scroll." He handed the scroll crinkled and dusty. Link read the Hylian text written in dried coal ink.

Dear Miyamoto,

I have seen the execution of what the clan has been doing, the termination is a failure. Upon my orders, I propose an ultimatum that Dorian's family must be assassinated he himself excepted. No questions asked. This deed must be done. After this I request you come immediately at the hideout. We will have a meeting tomorrow. Everyone will.

From Master Sooga

"Master... Didn't Khoga meet his demise, so who is this Sooga?" Link left his words lingering before Dorian replied, "Within your memories lay a formidable warrior, one who was second in command for this very clan, who would've protected Khoga to his very life. His dual swords could not be matched by anyone, only you. He was missing and left a big mark on Yiga history. He must've left the clan and unlike me was not harmed. However, we know he's back and we have to stop him. There is a meeting. A meeting that we need to go to," Link stood up "I shall inform the Queen now. We are going to have travel plans at Gerudo desert, and you go and request a group of 5 Sheikah warriors." Dorian too stood up and nodded with a hardened face, "Redemption ensues me,"

"I can't confess my affection towards him, I don't really have the guts too," Zelda ushered in shyness. "Love is embedded eh?" Impa asked. "I cannot say much, I still remember my husband, and well I told him when I felt the time was right, that's all it is. Complicated yet simple," She smiled at her shrivelled face, "Tha-" The door barged open and so did the breeze. "Queen, our travels have deviated and we need to go now!" Link's voice sounding commanding with his request. Dorian's upright figure also appeared next to him in the morning twilight's shadows, "Lady Impa I require Sheikah warriors for our aid 5 of them."

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