IX: Infiltration

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They spawned on the pedestal of the Kihiro Moh Shrine, materialising back from dispersing curls of azure. The party were hoping to be stealthy, walking around a goliath hole within the ground the floor having tiles of rusting obsidian. The pit had a colour of caramel and sand on a stone-like texture, draped with maroon and ancient textiles along with lights giving off pale butterscotch incandescence, which were diminutive in comparison of the colossal hollow. Everywhere from the entry strings hanged to all the cliffs hung with pristine talismans made from carmine materials garnished with a golden inverted Shiekah eye accompanying it were vermillion lanterns. Miniature ebony towers were also embedded into the mountain walls. containing lanterns with a tiny alabastrine fabric designed with the symbol of the Yiga, on the sides also two cardinal materials draped over.

 "Going somewhere?" a lively voice erupting with question. They swivelled around to see a Yiga of the elite rank of the Blademaster. The sun was rising low and provided little of light, the sky dyed in ethereal shades of mauve contrasting with violet in the awakening sky, which now outlined 3 minuscule, rusty wooden battlements. It was supported by 5 logs of umber; the central one had rusty metallic ladder against it, a circular base forged with planks and a parapet guarding it with a roof on top of it made of the same wooden material. Almost behind the shrine a greater fort which had another samurai with his Windcleaver pulsating with alabaster light ready to sunder the atmosphere. They pivoted back to see the entrance in the back of the Yiga Hideout too see it shut, embroidered in obsidian tiles of Sheikah culture the Yiga symbol on the roof in pearl white, with scarlet lanterns embellished around with strings, that were in front of crimson curtains with an intricate pattern. A tiny tower was above the entrance's roof supported by poles which had lights on it too with another top of the same Sheikah architecture style, with a light having a white cloth ornamented with the insignia of the Yiga in their signature colour of ruby. "We can't flee," Arakan grumbled in dread. 

The 'leading' blademaster replied to their conversation, "And you won't be any time," He lunged forward Windleaver ready to lacerate the party in one slice, but Arakan reacted quickly and with an alacritous combo of three gashes the first to defend the league from the coming weapon and its wave of dissevering the wind, then a savage slash to the opposing warrior the wind pushing it then he made a round curving motion with his sword injuring with a half revolution bloodying the blademaster's neck. The blademaster screamed, "BLOW THE HORNS!" Atsushi, Link, Haru and Daisuke already were alarmed to not allow the Yiga warn all the probable habitats in the closed hideout. They threw their weapons with sharp movement to the Blademaster and 3 footsoldiers, who were taking off their masks, though obviously only revealing their noses, bringing up a metal horn a ring of incarnadine, which was chopped quickly by the weapons. The footsoldiers put on the mask and jumped their Duplex bows firing 2 arrows each all fired at the squad except Arakan who continued fighting with the blademaster. Kazuhiko who still had his Demon Carver and same with Haru with him having his Vicious Sickle sliced breaking 3 arrows each right in the shaft. Midway their leap from the fortification they vanished into puffs of smoke and Yiga talismans. They metamorphosed behind them floating upwards firing their arrows, Atsushi having kunai harvesting 2 in each hand ready to strike all of them. They fell the projectile firing pain like an inferno crumbling to the ground. Arakan parried the attack the opponent used by jumping in a single movement the sword flailing out of the adversary's hand. It allowed space for one more thrust and of course he pounced sword aimed for the head. It went through the mask red blood pouring from the giant slit in the blademaster's head, leaving Arakan too pull it out. They were mostly done with the troop, though they forgot one more person. Who appeared in front of the party already a duel sparking up. Link who was behind them all had robbed the corpses of their bows, vaulted over them the second blademaster who was already sweeping his sword through the group. However Link only saw him as Chuchu in motion, and fired at his neck. It pierced him hard, to his obvious death. 

Once everything had calmed down everyone had sheathed their weapons, and even found some new ones. "We don't really know how many of the clan are present, but we should hide the bodies anyways," Kazuhiko shared, Arakan replying, "I say Kazuhiko is right." They all nodded doing just that dragging the bodies over their shoulders into the huge winding hole of the Yiga habitat. They fell like dead birds into the abyss. 

They trudged back and in hope they knocked on the closed door. It opened arbitrarily, displaying the mass of the Yiga packed inside. They peered inside but were intervened by a Blademaster with a clipboard asking, "Why have you come by the back door?" Arakan was mostly the one he directed the question too, so he replied in quick words, "Um we were a little late and found the door in the front was shut." Under the mask the blademaster suspected them, "Now if you come from the same region I require that and your group's name," Arakan first breathed under his mask, "Necluda and," he started pointing to each of the group and fibbed that Link was, "Yuta," Kazuhiko was, "Kirito," Daisuke was, "Shigeru," Haru was, "Masahiro," Atsushi was, "Sakurai," and pointed to himself and unknowingly blurted, "Satoru," to which the blademaster said under the indistinct chatter and commotion, "Remember to come earlier and the new master will clone himself into this room once everyone is here, so you're glad to be here when the meeting didn't start," in fact his scepticism about them was almost confirmed when the clipboard showed 5 more people in the Necluda list. He realised that they were the Hero and his friends, but panic would not be a fashionably way. Panic was the only thing that left failure true. The new master would know exactly how to deal with this interference, for the meeting of absolutely confidential information on their plans.  

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