X: The Yiga Plan

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Only footsoldiers and blademasters were clustered together in the room. This room was identifiable by Link, only a few changes present, after all, he was the one to infiltrate it 2 times. It was the chamber before he fought Master Khoga; this room was familiar to Link, albeit a few things had changed. After all, he had infiltrated it two times before. It was an enclosed place, with a string of paper periapts hanging overhead. A lantern fell from the ceiling. Candles were bedecked all around, illuminating the grey room. There was chatter amongst everyone especially, words such as these, 'Who is this new master?" or "What right does a random Yiga member to become the Master?" It all so sparked curiosity amongst the 5. 

It was after a few minutes that a voice erupted, "I have arrived," it was quite bold yet calm. With a gust of smoke and tiny red paper, a behemoth man manifested in front of them. He was wearing vermillion suit, with gauntlets made from dark carmine attached to his forearms. The spikes that protruded from his wraps glinted menacingly when the light hit them just right. His upper arms were covered with onyx sleeves, protected by obsidian armour pads which were adorned with ivory rings. His suit was a blademaster's outfit, with lines covering the sides, and with two embellished buckles, one on the front and one on the back. His pants were dull ebony, ruby laces stringing all the up to his thighs. His shins bore similar wraps to his forearms, with three silvery spikes reaching to his toes. He was distinctive with dual superior swords, one of the many black diamonds on the hilt of the swords were decorated with eye carvings, in scabbards of red. The collar of his top was fairly large, red as the rest of his outfit, the edges covered in gold. Connected to it was a red cloak, tendrils of amber colour. A mask worn over his face with 2 diminutive white and red horns that were upwards, 2 other bisque horns the tips being cardinal that were facing downwards and a crack through the Yiga mask. A white cylinder with rectangles supported with a small dark red belt lead to 2 thick black strands of hair curving back out on his head. He had two other weapons: a kusarigama on his back held by two leather belts on his wide frame, that had etchings of Sheikah text, it's handles crimson and the blade and chain was of silver, and two other small belts to hold a Demon carver on his right ankle. "I know your tongues utter the question of who I am. But elders and devotees know who I am... Sooga the Right hand of the Inverted Eye, from 100 years ago. You all know who Miyamoto was, a very respected blademaster, who had already prepared for me and took out an order to help a footsoldier kill Dorian's children, though it was his final order. He had left us in the night of yesterday. May he rest in peace," he paused the crowd shocked in sadness after losing one of their highly elite soldier. "Though that is not why I am... or we are here today," he referred to his clones in the other rooms whose echoes vibrated on the stone walls, "However, my lesson first here you need, is that the Calamity should not be worshipped, for no mortal cannot control that monster, for evil will always have opposing forces, that's why Khoga is not with us today. I will want to first announce the renovation of the hideout. While you were all out on the final ultimatum of Master Khoga I had already revamped this lair. Let me show you..." Then he joined his hands fingers interlocking in complex ways. A visual almost a screen of the hideout appeared, the initial room of the hideout, where the cage of keeping people captive and the pillar where a blademaster circled and the entrance to the rest of the hideout protected by a blademaster on guard. It was then a little zoomed on the pillar then on the left a crude wooden cylinders as a door. Then it focused inside it winding inside a corridor to a square room of 2 blademasters, "This will be a dead end too anyone who attempts to infiltrate it," Then it lead to the main room where the central pillar where its corners had squares outlined in red, "Once it has been stepped on one will fall in spikes to a demise, and one failure I'm really disappointed on is the manipulation of the high ground. So I had enhanced the wooden planks and set troopers two kill any who approach. Another addition is a room's top perimeter was excavated to have warriors there," all the mentioned content was shown in the rectangular vision. "And also the major column we have the chests nestled on it can be used as a bait so they will fall and be again skewered as victims," as he added the extra info the mystical image followed suit of the details Sooga provided. "Overall I increased security in every room and corridor, and especially are Mighty Banana stash. Though this is the end of announcements I will explain the plan I have in store." Everybody seemed more focused, though Link and his party needed this part of information the most. 

"I have been reading a lot about sorcery, but am dissatisfied by the knowledge you currently have, only hypnotising mobs and give them orders is not helpful when the hero can easily tear through them. The Zonai, an ancient race, came up with a theory each primal race is connected to their elements that are commonly associated with can harness it. The champions from one hundred years ago had abilities that kind of duplicated the theory. There are only two ways one can control it. If one is a descendant of fabled races who were at their primitive state who were born with it already able to utilise the element. Though the times went by the races forgot the connection, the only remaining one is the now Goron champion and chief Yunobo being the descendant of Champion Daruk. Though I have not mentioned the second way..." He let it cling in the air before he continued. Link tapped the shoulder of Daisuke and whispered, "I need to go to the exit, let them know if they ask," He started pushing through the sea of red, but tried to be a little silent. He passed through the main room where in front of the foremost pillar was the clone of Sooga of course with crowds of blademasters and footsoldiers. He came to the grimy black cage through the stairs going on the route. He went across the room where there was a platform with 8 entries/exits to confuse people. On that platform was a 3rd clone who kept advancing with a plan. He went out through the exit pushing with effort through the men. He trudged on sand people perplexed looking at him but just forgetting him with his odd notion. He reached in the red suit to grab the Sheikah Slate keeping the distance between the hideout trying to be as concealing as possible. He had the Slate the full map mostly Shrines speckled across it as light azure dots. First he pressed lightly on a circle at the corner of the tablet and the holographic cerulean handle ejected him grabbing it delicately then letting it float it gyrating in the air. He then found Vah Naboris's icon on, as Riju said, Arbiter's ground. Naturally he tapped it and 3 options appeared at the point: Travel, Teleport and Cancel. He touched the 2nd option and it highlighted Naboris, Link having to drag the picture to the base of Karusa Valley. It finally was in place and he tapped it. 

To recap Sooga had continued defining the scheme he had stated, "It is always in an individual never disappeared though. It is just not... awakened. If it is extracted out of one it is in its purest form and will stay like that. It will cause fatality to one but it will be continued to be pure and once it is actually put in another individual, which is possible through the right magic used, since it will not be the right owner it will remain pristine. Hence, the transfer will awaken you automatically. Your life element will be fused with the respective elemental force meaning blademasters can still use their earth powers while using the elements you inherited. Though, I cannot do this on my own, for I require researchers... and you know I will want the old hag and the puny girl. So here is our attack plans. Today I will unleash forces on Gerudo town, and bomb it and we'll take the Gerudo, which will have the power of electricity. Once we have enough victims keep them captive. We will then set up attacks on Zora's domain, who harness powers of water, and do the same with what we did the Gerudo. Then taking a giant horde of Fireproof elixirs before we go to the Ancient Research Lab to take Purah and Robbie and start the transfers. Then we make our ascent for Goron city and take Gorons for fire again transferring that power. We will go southwest for Castle town, and with Hylians as being lifeforms without being connected to an element they can be reaped for our Earth power because we are Yiga. Then we finally go to Rito Village for the power of Wind. After all this harvest we are ready for war to which we'll have our separate meeting. I've already pre-prepared a troop for Gerudo Town. Now thank you for your time. If you're selected as an attacker you'll be sent a letter. And the security must remain here. You are now allowe-" Sooga's last words were cut off by a rumbling and thunderous roar very close to the hideout.

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