Prologue: Hyrule's Restoring

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5 years have passed since the Great Calamity attacked. Death of over a thousand Hylians was avenged after Link's final blow on the demon of Malice and Hatred. That corrupted the Guardians who had the hopes upon them to help but ultimately turned against Hyrule. Notorious was all they could ever be. The transition of life increased when the wrath of The Calamity was erased from the current time. Hyrule Castle, a place so corrupted, filthy being the core of that incarnate of a beast would want millions to die, was now already reinstated. The Princess's living bestowed her position with all glory as a Queen that should sun Hyrule with a smile of a leader and direction.

Hyrule's ruins were now back as if constructed back from the past. The fearing population was bustling within these. Hyrule was again saved from death itself hence the teeming of life within. All settlements have been expanded as upon the orders of Queen Zelda having Rito village, Gerudo town, Goron City, Zoras' domain, Lurelin village, Tarrey town, Kakariko village and Hateno village to be seen as a metropolitan. Even imperative parts of Hyrule's needs have been applied to an immense scale, from merchants holding up to sell a more vast supply of services, even a weapon guild that was constructed in inspiration from that very shop in the Central region from 100 years ago. The defence has never been better. Hylian soldiers have shown prodigious skills almost creating a whole department of imperial guards in respect for those very royal guards who protected King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule to the very end. 

The Rito and the Zora are making extensive efforts to revamp their homes due to the dangerous situation they could have if to make a good escape if isolated. The Rito are also trying to improve their warriors after Teba and Harth were entrusted to find warriors mostly archers, while the guards that already were present were now made snipers perched high in the trees outside the entrance made of the new pristine constructed stone bridges. The Zora is going through an intense underwater project to elaborate on them abandoning the home when isolated from all bridges, which they have to do if the enemy blocks them from the outside, so, when going underwater exits will allow them to evacuate safely and easily outrun the enemy. Weaponry is also enhanced by tenfold- Sheikah and Zora blacksmiths collaborated to make more durable tridents with mammoth amounts of power. The Gerudo have also thought of a safe exit route when the enemy has a better position, this being an underground replica of the layout ontop though the material was different as it was underground and using caves under the aureate sands of the Wasteland region. It also has a very prolong path towards the leviathan skeleton of the Gerudo desert so they are protected by the Great fairy of this corner in Hyrule. Guards also here were enlisting in great number after the publicization of the Yiga bandits' attacks. Other people have construction plans for the underground to ameliorate it from its currents state and others who have been deemed lunatics after their suggestion to make Moldugas their pets to combat outside invaders. The mass construction was after the awareness needed for such defence. 

The Queen has been on a lot of travels with her bodyguard Link and is now resting in the bustling colossal city of Kakariko.

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