Chapter One

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'A famous explorer once said: that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. I'd finally set out to make my mark; to find adventure. But instead, adventure found me. In our darkest moments, when life flashes before us, we find something; something that keeps us going. Something that pushes us. And that something, was someone.' 

Dragon's Triangle, South of Japan 
Endurance Expedition 
Day 22
23:00 hrs

On the ship, the Endurance, a young British archaeologist voyaged for an expedition to a lost ancient Japanese kingdom, Yamatai. It was there, that the young woman accompanied a crew of voyagers for the documentary who were willing to extract any form of any valuable artefacts. Eagerness to prove her worth drove the young woman to study charts and texts in relation to Yamatai - the location somewhere within the Dragon's Triangle. Though her efforts failed her in convincing the leader of the expedition in fear of his reputation, the crew supported her and overruled the head leader of the expedition. 

A strong storm hit as the expected course of the ship was foiled as a great tear in the ship caused half to sink while the rest barely stayed afloat when the young archaeologist plunged into the cold, murky waters as the current drove her to dry land, where other survivors discussed what course they were to take if they were to survive and escape the island that which they were stranded on. A fist hit the woman's face, knocking her lights out. When she came about, she found herself being dragged along a damp ground, under cover from the sunlight that shone through a crack in the ceiling. 

Water dripped on her face as the environment she was in resembled that of a cave or colony filled with skeletons before she was strung up in a cocoon. Swinging about, she pushed another cocoon at some candles which set it alight as well as a mast that which she was able to set alight also, causing her to slip out of where a sharp object stabbed her side. Shoving it out, she staggered through a tunnel along bones and dirt where she was led to a body strung up by rope. 

"What is this place?" She whimpered to herself. 

Taking a torch, she lit the way which enabled her to set alight some wooden debris in her path. It burnt quickly down to nothing, allowing her the opening to pass through. Finding her way towards a smaller tunnel, she began to crawl through when someone jumped her and grabbed her foot. She fought back quickly by shoving her foot at the man that jumped her when a boulder cut each other off. Into a den, of all places, the young woman explored ways to advance through the puzzles that laid before her. 

Using her smarts, she quickly made her way through when an escape was present. Unfortunately, the tremor she created, caused her to sink deeper and deeper into the cave. Rocks fell down on her as her escape was delayed when the same person who jumped her before scared her even more as freedom slowly closed on her. 

"LET GO, YOU BASTARD!" The woman yelled as she kicked him in the face where rocks fell on top of him, killing him in an instant as she continued to flee. 

Once she had found her way out, exhaustion was one of the things holding her down as her wound got no better. The cove in which she was in revealed her ship and a few others that were shipwrecked as the storm settled in the distance as the light shone through. Following a path, the woman wandered along where a life boat caught her sight, giving her hope that there were other survivors out there. Over a collapsed tree, she barely managed to make her way across a large drop before she took a moment to compose herself. 

Along the way, an old war plane hung by the branches and vines sticking out of one of the waterfalls which provided her a way to scale up to the ledge she needed to get to. The water that splashed on her cleaned the dirt on her body and face as she discovered a camp where her crewmates set up to rest, leaving only a couple bags behind as well as a functional video camera and a walkie-talkie. 

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