Pt. II

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Advancing to the next camp, Lara was met by a survivalist and two bodies with arrows sticking out of them like porcupines. Neutrally, the survivor holstered their bow and allowed a conversation to begin, where if he and his allies were to trust her, she had to complete a request by destroying communications towers. As she scoured the camp, speakers blared the voice of Konstantin who sounded like he was struggling with something before dominance was returned to him. 

"Let this be a warning to all who defy the Trinity: I have one of your friends. Clearly, he's had some experience to interrogation techniques before, so that's why I'm going to kill him, eventually, because I know you wouldn't let that happen. And I know you're here too, Croft. Who else could kill my men and leave nothing behind?" Konstantin's voice boomed through the speakers. 

Another person squirmed and grunted on the other end of the call, irritated with their current predicament. 

"I've got your boyfriend, Croft. If you come forward now, I'll let you both be united before I cut your throats and bleed you dry." 

"Don't listen to him, Lara! I'll be fine!" David yelled. 

"Shut it, you prick!" 

A gunshot went off, causing Lara to jump as she heard David cry in pain. 

"Bring me Lara Croft, or this sorry bastard will regret ever crossing paths with me!" Konstantin shouted and cancelled the transmission. 

As Lara continued her search of the camps, she travelled from area to area before she found herself right where Konstantin was, conversing with the mysterious caller. It was from her snooping around that Lara got caught and held captive. The fear that was kept down within Lara resurfaced as she knew that the danger she put herself in would fall onto those whom she cared about. And now, Ana's life was on the line. 

"Just hold on. I'll get us out of here... somehow," said Lara as she grunted and squirmed from being chained to the chair she and Ana were in. 

A rattling door the two women's attention to whoever was visiting them, which turned out to be Konstantin coming to interrogate them both now that Lara was awake. From the pocket of his jacket, Konstantin pulled out a garrotte wire and stared Lara down as he positioned himself behind Ana. 

"Don't touch her!" Lara cried. 

"Please... no...," begged Ana. 

Throwing the garrotte wire around her throat, Konstantin produced a twisted grin as Lara could easily tell he was enjoying it all too much. Had he acquired the information he so desperately desired, he would have allowed Ana to remain with the garrotte around her neck to let her get strangled to death, but it was of the lack of information that Lara possessed, that he felt livid that he could not make Lara suffer before doing the same to her in a more brutal fashion. 


"No! No, you bastard!" 

"Where is the Divine Source?!" 

"Please! Just stop! I don't know where it is!" 

Ana's eyes began to go red, tears started to formulate in her eyes until she noticed that Konstantin had eased his pressure on her throat and removed the garrotte wire. 

"That's enough. She doesn't know." Ana spoke in a warm manner to Konstantin, in a way that showed that Lara was deceived this entire time. 

Squatting behind Ana, Konstantin uncuffed her as Lara's face became full of betrayal and shock. 

"You couldn't let it go, could you? I knew you'd find your way to this place." 

"What did you expect?" 

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