Pt. I

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Shanghai, China 
23:48 hrs 

A couple days passed since David left England to meet with an old friend. After arriving at the airport, he was greeted by a warm climate and by people who rambled in their dialect that left him socially awkward due to not using the language in so long as he carried his luggage over to a taxi that he asked to take him to the nearest motel in the city. The streets were scrambled with people trying to afford things in the marketplace as seafood, jewellery was the main satisfaction of the customers. It wasn't until David arrived at the selected motel by the driver where he let himself out and paid the fee before strolling through the front door into the lobby where a clerk sat at their desk, smiling pleasantly at the foreigner. 

Once he was allocated a room, David took to occupying that room while he waited for his friend to find him residing in Shanghai. To pass the time, he took to minding his revolver as he placed all six bullets on his nightstand vertically in line with each other before cleaning his weapon to pristine condition while wet weather quickly became heavy as in a matter of seconds folks outside the motel scrambled for cover from said rain. When a knock came at the door, David scrambled for a single bullet that he placed into the chamber, closed said chamber and pulled back on the hammer as he held his gun with his non-dominant hand and answered the door with his gun pointed directly at whoever was on the other side, his weapon concealed by the door. 

"Who is it?" David raised his voice in a sing-song manner. 

"Wilderness Girls. Who the hell do you think it is? Can you open up, already? I'm freezing out here." The person on the other side of the door replied sarcastically. 

Opening the door wide, David fixed his gun so it was not set to fire a bullet before holstering it in the back of his pants as he greeted his guest with open arms. 

"Oh, well sorry I couldn't accommodate a more suitable living arrangements that are more to your standard, jackass. You want a cookie to make you feel better? Eh, Johnny. Grow up." 

The full-blood Asian man standing in David's presence chuckled heartily at his witticism and closed the door behind him as he shook off his coat that was sprinkled with raindrops. Despite the room being slightly less suitable to the conditions of the weather outside as per the guest's complaining, the coat he hung on a coat rack occupied only itself while the two caught up. 

"... you up to these days besides being a prick up someone's ass?" Johnny asked curiously. 

David smiled and showed his friend his ring hand. "Ahh, life's become just that little bit more complicated. Alas, I'm happily married now." 

"Well, congratulations! Who's the lucky guy--I mean, girl?" 

"Asshole. I think the whole world knows her as Crazy Croft." 

"Her? She's a catch. Where'd you meet her?" 

"Yamatai. And believe me, you, it's all real. We found it, got shipwrecked on it, hiked through it; all sorts of crazy shit went down there, man. I promised her this'll be the last one. And I'm going to do good by my word, Johnny." 

"I hear you, man. Look, I called you here for a good reason, David. Nurhachi. I found it. It's in Shanghai, right now, and we're going to steal it and deliver it to the Yakuza." 

"Okay... I need details. What are we looking at? Guards? Security cameras?" 

"Nothing much as we'd expect. Could be a trap, though. How do you want to proceed? Day, or night?" 

"I'll entrust you with making the right decision, my friend." 

Reloading his revolver, David holstered his weapon before equipping his belongings in preparation to move out and commence his journey to help his friend out of the ditch he was dumped in, left to claw himself out of. Once the two companions were ready, they moved out to scout the location in which their item was being kept. In the dead of night, the two drove casually along the harbour, both men constantly drifting their eyes for the warehouse number they expected the remains of the first emperor of the Manchu Dynasty to reside. Stealth-like, the two began to make their way to the warehouse that was guarded heavily; their attempt to sneak in unannounced proved great a challenge as having to remain concealed in the shadows and waiting for guards to pass them brought great anxiety to the two who were about to steal Nurhachi. Once the two were able to slip inside the warehouse, a singular light shone brightly in the centre of the room down on a crate that was the sole focus of two parties making an exchange of sorts. 

"Hey. Who're these guys?" David whispered as he and his companion hid behind large crates. 

"The Yakuza and the Shadow's Blade. Two rival gangs seeking to reach a neutral agreement with one another: they've been at each other's throats for generations. But I sincerely doubt today will be the day the two unite. Shanghai will not be free until both of their organisations are crumbling to the ground." Johnny responded grimly. 

"Wouldn't dare cross these guys now. Maybe we can--" 

"No. It is too dangerous to make a move now. This is my fault. I should've called you here sooner. Now there is no telling of what power they hold. If the meeting goes accordingly." 

As the exchange was carried out, the box in the middle of the room was opened with a crowbar by the lid as a man with a white glove reached inside and pulled out a jade funerary urn. 

"I thought you said that guy wanted this Nurhachi fella. Why're the Yakuza giving him away?" David questioned. 

"I don't know... but what dishonour these men bring to their clans. They must pay!" 

"Hey, hey, whoa, whoa. Easy hombre. You really plan on going in there gung-ho? We're outnumbered! Think it through." 

"Think it through?! These men are cowards!" 

As the two broke further into their disagreement, a gun cocking made the two tense as they were commanded to stand up and leave their hiding spot. There, everyone had their attention on the two intruders, grins and devilish smiles plastered on the faces of the crime syndicates. They were in real shit now.

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