Pt. II

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In the enemy's company, Johnny and David stood under the ceiling light as guns cocking didn't help the situation they were already in. The men in the room provided a shocking count of uneven odds as they had no chance of escaping without a fight. 

"We're fucked," muttered Johnny. 

"You keep saying that we might be." David whispered as his eyes acted an opportunity. 

"What do you mean?! There's no getting out of this!" 

"Will you shut up?! I know what I'm doing." 

One of the armed men yelled at the two which silenced them as the leaders of both gangs raised their voices to them. Three important members stood out like a bull in a crowd of geese, all of whom seemed proud that the two intruders failed to stop them when the purest moment of luck that their execution was forestalled by the guns of every man in the room getting jammed. With that second that was theirs, David drew his revolver and eliminated six important targets while Johnny hijacked the gun of the man behind them and quickly fixed it to dispatch the rest while they had the chance until all were dead. Heavily, the two panted at how their lives were almost taken before claiming the urn for themselves and fled with haste to the safety of David's hotel room. 

"What now?" David asked curiously. 

Fixated on the jade urn, Johnny stared admirably at the item before glancing at his partner. "Now...? We deliver Nurhachi to the leader of the Yakuza." 

"What? After all that?!" 

"Trust me. It's the only way to get them off our backs for good. We do this, and we're free." 

"Yeah. Us. After you pulled me into this, you're gonna bet your lucky golden dragon balls that I'm gonna leave and come back to the loving embrace and soft tits of my wife. So where is your boss anyway?" 

"I do not know for certain, but if we are to deliver Nurhachi, we must wait a few days before the grand opening of a public club not far from the airport - should anything go south, I can organise transportation to get you back home safely, my friend." 

"Thank you, brother." 

The long cruise to the hotel came as no bother when traffic was more flowing than it usually was. The time of spacing out made David comprehend how close yet how far he was from being reunited with his wife as the last mission he swore to uphold. 

Surrey, London
19:00 hrs 

"Shall I prepare some more tea, Miss Croft?" A weary male voice loomed from the entrance to the room. 

Lara glimpsed at the old butler and gave a quick smile. "No thank you, Winston. Take a vacation. You've earned it." 

The butler smiled a frown and declined. 

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm not going anywhere. Oh. Before I forget, Mr Gardner has forwarded a message to pass onto you," he said, producing a letter and cleared his throat. " 'Dearest Lara, it's me, your husband, David. It comes with regret to inform you that my visit to Shangai will be delayed for much longer than expected. But I pray that speed and fortune be in my favour as I make my return to you. Until we can return Nurhachi to the leader of the Mafia, I'll always be thinking of you; wearing that... lingerie you wore... on our, wedding night. Yours sincerely, David.'

Lara sighed as her mind began to wander, thoughts of her husband sharing more words of praise and love to the brunette in more intimate moments. Realising who was still in her company, Lara thanked her butler and bowed her head so that she was focusing on her work. 

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