Pt. V

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At the approximate time of twenty past five in the afternoon, David found his spouse in a large training room with a thick plastic matt and obstacles for her to sprint through.

"Lara? Can we talk now?" David's voice rang out to the brunette mounting over some obstacles.

The brunette ignored him while David persisted every minute or two. Lara grunted and exerted herself as she finished off her course before gracefully landing on two feet and walked over to her husband admiring her. While she found his staring at her a half-comfort, Lara maintained composure and kept her jaw clenched to avoid appearing soft for the man she loved terribly. 

"What?" Lara questioned coldly. 

"I, I'm sorry about before. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you nor treat you the way I did. I just... when I was in Shangai, bad shit went down, alright? I had to watch my friend die." 

Lara's features eased now that David was opening up to her at last. He opened up to her about the event that took place in the club in Shangai where he became scarred over the death of his close friend - the death he felt responsible for for not doing better to save him. 

Concern grew over her now that she knew her husband was suffering something terrible. In comfort, the brunette wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed her body against his, to which he accepted her embrace and buried his face in her neck, the scent of her hair tingled his nostrils. 

"Honey? There's something I've got to tell you. I suppose this is good a time as any, but... when you left, you know I'd been feeling unwell for a while since Paititi. Um... I, I-I'm..." 

"You can do this, baby. Just gather your thoughts and get your words out." (Y/n) whispered supportively as he cupped her cheeks and stared fondly into her eyes. 

Lara smiled nervously and gathered her thoughts before she took a minute to get her words out. 

"I'm pregnant." 

David became full of shock that registering the information rendered him immobilised like a deer caught in headlights. Many times he thought about starting a family, yet all the preparation and courage he provided himself could not prepare him for the information hitting him so suddenly. 

Concern instantly grew over Lara now that the truth was out and her husband was still gobsmacked at the revelation. Eventually, he was able to snap himself out of his thoughts and registered emotion to show his true reaction to the confession. David sprung up to his feet and yelled cheerfully, proclaiming that he'd be a father. 

All the while, Lara stood by and giggled at how overly-excited he was. He then proceeded to make his back way over to her and smothered her face with kisses, planting a firm one on her lips to finish. 

"What now?" David asked breathlessly. 

"I have a few ideas." Lara replied with a seductive smirk and planted a kiss on his lips. 

"Isn't it funny how our minds think alike? But I'm gonna hold you up on that idea - I have something to show you that isn't concealed by clothes." 

Lara rolled her eyes and followed her husband to the garden where a canvas under a white cover caught her eye. Running ahead, he went to stand beside the canvas the brunette stood directly in front of when he uncovered what was hidden underneath when a gasp escaped Lara's mouth. 

"Oh my God... Y-You made this?" Lara uttered in shock. 

David smiled a frown and gently rubbed her back as they admired the painting. "I just thought it would be nice for you to remember your parents by." 

"It's, it's beautiful! I love it! I'll hang this in a very special place." 

The two became intimate with one another when Lara pressed herself against his body, her arms hung over his shoulders while his hands fondly touched her hips. Their bodies pressed against each other as David weaved one hand up to her neck and the other through the fabric of her pants. A sharp gasp escaped Lara's lips as they spent over half an hour in intimacy. 

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