Pt. V

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At Copper Mill bridge, Lara and David watched as a helicopter flew over the forest towards an old Soviet weather station with weapons to assist them in sneaking into the gulag. While Lara went one way, David took a different route through the forest as helicopter patrols flew over David. Raising his rifle with the butt of his gun pressed against his shoulder, he crept through the forest, constantly aware of anything that would move ahead of him as he kept a close ear out for voices. The second he heard bushes rustle, he instantly dropped to one knee and remained dead silent as he breathed slowly, focusing the sights of his rifle up at the source of the noise, only for a doe to pounce along. 

Sighing, David lowered his guard and resumed walking through the snowy forest towards the weather station not far from his position when he heard gunshots in the distance. David pressed ahead towards the weather station when a low growling distracted him. Glancing to his right, he raised his rifle up again at the bushes where he could hear something big lurking. Soft huffing and growling lurked behind a larger bush as something appeared from behind the bush; something very big and frightening. 

"OH FU--!" David cursed when he fired his rifle at the animal roaring at him. 

A brown bear came charging towards him as it snarled as it got closer to him before his rifle ran out of its magazine when the bear pounced on him, pinning him to the ground as he rammed his rifle at its mouth, stopping it from gnawing his face off. With every ounce of strength, David pushed the bear as far back as he could before drawing his revolver and fired at its chest six times before reaching for his dagger and stabbed the bear repeatedly until it began to whimper and fled, sparing him from certain death. 

Panting heavily, David dragged himself against a tree, exasperating heavily as he reflected on almost dying whist he hugged himself as a way to comfort himself seeing as how Lara was not present to be there for him. After several minutes, David gathered his weapons and continued to hike through the forest to the station, only to find dead bodies left on the ground for the crows to feast on, indicating to him that Lara had already been. 

As per the indication of bodies and bullet holes, Lara was getting somewhat sloppy with infiltrating enemy territory; the gunshots in the galaxy indicated the trouble Lara was in as he sought to find their friend, Jonah in the prison cells somewhere. Upon breaching the facilities, David waves through corridors, gunning any soldiers that stood in his path before he reached the interrogation room where Jonah and Konstantin resided, busy in conversation. Picking up a fire extinguisher, David made a run up before diving through the glass, surprising both men which led to Konstantin starting a brawl with David.

From brute force alone, Konstantin stunned David with a headbutt that allowed the blonde to crack a rib or two before embedding his knife into his side while Jonah sat by helplessly as his friend risked his life for his. On cue, Lara stumbled upon the scene as Konstantin had long fled by the time she came to his aid, emotionally traumatised by David's injury. Vaulting through the broken window, Lara freed Jonah before she knelt down in front of David and used her scarf to put pressure on his wound. 

"I-I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry, Lara... I'm a fool, I'm a massive fool..." David grunted and squirmed from the pain. 

"Shh, don't try to say anything," replied Lara as she caressed the side of his head. "Lie down, sweetie. I am so, so sorry for getting you into this mess. This is all my fault." 

"S-S-Should s-stop blaming y-y-yourself..." 

David groaned as he slowly laid himself down as he placed his hand on top of Lara's which stained with his blood as she continued to apply pressure when help came to their rescue - until Lara dispatched the reinforcements that made an attempt to reclaim the prison and kill all those who breached their facility. After half an hour of fighting, Lara returned to check on David, only to find him laid on a cot on top of a table where he laid as still as a statue where his chest barely moved. 

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