Chapter Two

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Monteria, Columbia
10:27 hrs

A long trek through a forest made the climate hotter and hotter as the irksome flies nagged two travellers wandering through the forest through a few inches of water. For the fifth break that day, the two rested by a tree that was on a small patch of dry land. The two sat with their backs to the tree and wiped their foreheads dry of sweat. Lara was more than happy to accompany David for a trip to discover the possible whereabouts of an artefact dating back to the 16th Century. 

"... just a little further, around the bend of that waterfall. If I'm reading this map correctly, the entrance to the cave," said David as he observed the map for the third time that day. 

Lara got back up to her feet, leaving her bag on the ground as she drifted her eyes across the layout of the land until she set her eyes on the cave entrance. Curiously, David followed her to the cave entrance which was barely illuminated from the light shining inside. Drawing a lighter, Lara lit a torch and lead the way through webs where a light shone through. David became aware of the possibility of it being a trap as he took off his had and raised it into the light when a trap was activated, a dozen vertical spears shot out of the wall where a carcass was pushed out into their sights. 

"Nice work." Lara praised him as they continued along their path. 

Ahead of them was a large gap too long for them to jump across. But fortunately, there was a branch sticking out that seemed sturdy enough for David's rope to provide as a swing to get them both across. Going first, David swung to the other side before swinging the end to Lara so she could follow suite towards a chamber. 

"I got a bad feeling about this... Watch your step." David grumbled. 

As Lara observed the layout of the chamber, she failed to notice her steps when she triggered something that activated the chamber to seal David inside. 

"DAVID!!" Lara cried as she banged her fist on the stone door. 

Inside the chamber, David hunched over a little, aware of the spikes sticking out of the floor as the ceiling very slowly rolled down on him. 


Finding a stone, David shoved it in the wedge of the ceiling which slowed its descent as he frantically searched for a way out or something to deactivate the trap. Six holes in the wall offered a way out, but only one had the key to unlocking the door. 




Each hole Lara reached into, she struggled to find the lever she was looking for due to having to press her face against the wall to fully reach her arm inside. Once she found the lever, she pulled on it which stopped the trap from killing David. The door rolled open where David scurried out and exasperated as he gave the brunette a thumbs up. 

"Are you alright?" Lara asked caringly. 

David breathed heavily and answered. "Y-Yeah... Thanks." 

Continuing through the cave, the artefact they were looking for came into sight. A shiny, golden totem laid before them on a stand that practically read that it was booby trapped. Cautiously, Lara used the torch to trigger a trap, where an arrow was fired directly at the handle of the torch right above Lara's hand. Upon recognising the trigger, the two cautiously stepped around them before David took the item when something began to rumble. 

"Um... David?" Lara spoke softly, her eyes staring at the structure of the room which fell apart. 

Both explorers disregarded the traps and sprinted through, arrows whizzed past them as they fled for the exit when the branch hanging over the drop broke. 

"Toss the idol to me, then I'll catch you," requested David who had both his hands out. 

A door behind him began to lower, threatening to entrap them in the cave forever. 

"Do you trust me?!" 


"Do you trust me!?" 


"Then what are you waiting for?!" 

Pursing her lips, Lara threw David the idol before tossing it aside and reached his one arm out to her. Taking a run-up, Lara leapt across and grabbed David's hand before pulling her up and picked up the idol and slid under before jogging back the way they came. Something large rumbled, to which the two found themselves being pursued by a large boulder rolling after them. With the entrance in sight, Lara and David threw themselves out, rolling down towards the water where they were both covered in webs again. 

"We did it!" David exclaimed and threw her arms around Lara's neck and kissed her webby cheek. 

Lara blushed, the webs on her face that he picked away as she did the same, resisting the temptation to kiss him then and there. Licking her lips, Lara embraced her feelings and motioned to kiss him when they heard the cocking of guns around them. 

"Shit. It's the Trinity," cursed Lara. 

"The who?" 

A man stood out from the soldiers pointing their rifles at the two archaeologists, the lenses of his glasses reflected off the light of the sun shining through the trees as a grin broke on his face. 

"Hello, Lara. We meet again." The stranger spoke casually. 

Lara frowned and muttered, "Mr Cruz." 

"You have caused me a great deal of trouble, Miss Croft. Yet I do not recognise your companion. What's your name, sir?" 

"Japulmah Finga. First name, Heywood." David replied wittily. 

"A pleasure to meet you, Heywood Japulmah Finga. I--Oh, I see. A wise guy, eh?" 

Some of the men and Lara snickered at David's joke name. 

"I'm going to drive a golden spike where your Union meets your Central Pacific. Then, we'll see who's laughing. Due to your relationship with Miss Croft, you must also die." 

A frown fell on David's face as being outnumbered provided no comfort for a way out. Believing this was the end, he and Lara made eye contact and frowned at one another. 

"Lara, if this really is the end, I just want you to know... I only join the expedition to Yamatai to be with you because I really, really like you." David confessed in one quick breath. 

Surprised at the confession, Lara raised her hand up to his cheek, touched by him admitting his feelings to her. Her other hand came up to his cheek before they closed the gap between their faces as their lips connected for a few seconds before they pulled away. Lara glanced at Cruz and offered him the idol which he took and admired before having his men stand down. Sneakily, David reached into his satchel and produced a smoke grenade and waited for it to let out the grey smoke before he grabbed Lara's hand and rushed off with her. 

"After them!" Mr Cruz barked, to which his men began to open fire on the two as they made their escape. 

Through the jungle, they fled with the Trinity hot on their tail. Those who were closest to the two archaeologists attempted to fire at them but to no avail did they hit their targets. Knowing their plane was close by, Lara and David ran as fast as they could before they arrived at a river where a plane was settled on the water, the pilot fishing to pass the time when he heard the two yelling at him to start the plane. Jumping into the water, the two swam to the moving plane and climbed aboard as the plane took off to take them back to England where they would endure their next expedition in Kitezh. 

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