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Paititi, Peru
09:26 hrs

Two days had passed since peace was restored to the Hidden City. After Etzli's coronation, he held his mother's funeral the next day to commemorate her as he now took upon the role of ruler of Paititi. Relief flushed over Lara and David as now that Trinity was no more - the High Council were killed during the battle. With no plans on taking up any further expeditions, Lara finally could take up living a normal life with friends. With the day still young and her friends now committing themselves to rebuilding Paititi, David remained by the brunette's sight like a puppy as he flirted with her.

"... I doubt working in a museum would be fun. Besides, don't you like to steal artefacts for yourself, not put them in museums?" David teased, lightly chuckling.

Lara shoved him and kicked some dirt. "What about you? What will you do?"

"W-W-Well, I, um... I was hoping you'd go back to England with me?"

"Oh, I don't know yet. We could move back into the manor?"

Now that the young couple had stopped walking and stood by the pond, David mustered up enough courage to do something he'd been longing to do for a while now. His nervousness did not go unnoticed. Lara coyly smiled at the man, her cheeks flushed red as he discreetly reached for something behind his back and courageously went down on one knee, offering her a small box that he presented to her, earning a gasp from the brunette whose hands came up to touch her cheeks. Fortunately, he knew what she was going to say.

"YES! Of course I'll marry you!" Lara cried and threw her arms around his neck, smothering him with kisses. 

She allowed him to slide the ring on her finger when the two heard cheering from all around them. When the crowd ceased cheering, the two held a quiet conversation as they assisted the locals with tasks and the like as now that the marriage of Lara Croft and David Gardner had begun plot by the Paititi people in hopes that they would initiate the marriage before their leaving for London. Taking his hand, Lara led David out of sight behind a store where they got feisty as quickly as they could before anybody started wondering where they disappeared to. 

Lips slobbering together, David and Lara pulled down their pants, hands desperately fumbling about to make themselves comfortable as David inserted himself in her and thrusted with much effort, her breasts bounced up and down in rhythm with his penetrating her as the excitement made her moan excessively. Silencing herself, Lara bit down on her bottom lip as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself against him as he held onto her thighs. At climax, they both slowed, Lara let out a shiver as she licked and nibbled on his ear before they both fixed themselves up and went for a walk to pass the time. 

Late the next morning, David woke to find himself no longer in the company of his beloved fiancé. But instead, he was half-naked and had stuff drawn on his body with paint. Then, a tall man walked in on David lying on the floor and chuckled at his misfortune before helping his friend to his feet so to assist with cleaning up. 

"You've had better days, that's for sure," said Jonah. 

"What?" David yawned. "Oh. That's what you mean." 

"C'mon. Let's get you prepared." 

"Prepared? Am I getting sacrificed too?" 

Jonah simply wheezed and retrieved a wet cloth to help clean up his friend. "No. We're getting you prepared for your wedding." 

David groaned. "Right. I forgot it was today. Have you seen Lara?" 

"You know that the groom can't see the bride before the wedding, right?" 

"No. I just--never mind." 

Together, they both worked on David's appearance so that he was suitably dressed for the ceremony in a poncho as per the customs of marriage in Peru. While Jonah occupied himself with getting David ready, Abby did the same with Lara but with more regard with a colourful dress skirt she'd wear. Not long after, the men made their way to the location where the ceremony would be held while Lara idly stood within a hut where the local women applied traditional clothes to Lara's fashion. Out on the altar, David stood anxiously as Jonah remained at the front of the audience while Etzli stood at the centre next to David with Uchu beside the young prince. 

The anticipation rose high, anxiety of how the wedding would proceed worried David most of all as when selected children to play for the musical team started playing traditional music when Lara was seen on the other end of the aisle. The brunette slowly walked up the aisle towards David as everyone smiled in adoration and happiness as Lara reached where David was, standing half a foot apart as the two stared long and hard at one another as Etzli commenced the ceremony by addressing his people in their native tongue before going on to talking to David and Lara directly - advised by Uchu on what to say and what to do, being a newly appointed ruler of Paititi. 

"... and for the help that which you've so provided to the people of Paititi and its sanctuary from the world, I, Etzli, do hereby and with the highest bestow of honour, take part in this matrimony," said the young prince as he looked to the young couple for their part in the marriage. 

Smiling proudly, Lara raised her right arm up vertically. "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I, will be your wine." 

"With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, ask you... to be mine." David finished as he took Lara's extended hand and slid the ring on her finger before she did the same to him. 

As soon as the two embraced with their lips, the crowd went wild. People began to throw grains of rice or flowers or their pedals as Lara and David walked down the aisle, smiling at folks as Uchu rushed off ahead to meet them by a boat that would take them to Kuwaq Yaku where they'd catch a plane to take them back to England as to what the newlyweds pre-planned. For once in her life, things were going their way. 

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