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Shanghai, China
03:00 hrs 

In David's reservation, both he and his companion dressed into their formal suits in preparation for the meeting that which they were expected to attend. The lethality of the compulsory mission required dangerous arms on the person of both Johnny and David. A knock came at the door and then the two made their way out of the lobby into a taxi - prepaid and ready to deliver them to the club to conduct their transfer of Nurhachi to the Mafia. 

"You ready?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be. You got the package?" 

"Right here." 

"Let's just hope I can finally get these assholes off me." 

"Let's finish this once and for all." 

Once the cab pulled to the curb, the two men removed themselves from the cab and made their way into the lobby of the building they were expected to be in and arrived with haste to the top floor of the club where an audience were watching with fascination the singers dancing for them to their amusement. David stalked a waiter before placing his arm across his back and conversed with him by complimenting his tie whilst Johnny took a quick swallow of a mixture before seating himself opposite the leader of the Chinese Mafia. 

The older male chubby in the face, his face stricken by the presence of the man that arrived in his company and that of his three bodyguards and his son whose perplexion became hardened because of the man who severed his finger. The other man sitting to the leader's right was a male in the same age range yet with a farther receding hairline whose hand itched onto the revolver inside his pants. Little did they know, someone had a gun pointed at them also. 

"So... you came, Mr Xin," said the leader. "So, it's true? You have Nurhachi?" 

"You know I do. Just a few hours ago, your boys tried to exchange Nurhachi for something far less honourable." Johnny responded, sending a glare at the son whose hand was raised up in line of sight and caressed by his good hand. 

"You have insulted my son." 

"No. You have insulted me, Huang. I spared his life." 

The bodyguard shot up from his seat, hands on the table no longer on the gun in outburst of Johnny's wording. 

"Sit, down!" Huang snarled at his most trusted associate. "You will hand over Nurhachi, now..." 

"I suggest you give me what you owe me or anything goes." Johnny bargained. 

Producing a small bag from his inner breast pocket, Huang placed it delicately on a rotary tray tat he spun until the bag was in front of Johnny. The recipient took the bag and examined its contents by turning it upside-down, only to find something of interest absent. 

"The diamond, Huang. The deal was for Nurhachi in exchange for the diamond." Johnny said coldly. 

Sighing, Huang received the diamond and placed it on the rotary tray before rolling it back to Johnny with the addition of a glass of alcohol. 

"To your very good health," bid Johnny as he took a big gulp of his drink and waved for his buddy to approach with Nurhachi. 

Huang examined the jade urn and chuckled heartily alongside his allies. "Inside are the remains of Nurhachi: first Emperor of Manchu dynasty. Now, you will give me the diamond." 

"Am I going crazy, or are you trying to develop a sense of humour? Hang on... what's that?" 

"Antidote. For the poison you just drank, Mr Xin!" 

All three laughed heartily to the confusion of few guests who gave no extra thought to the hullabaloo until they were immediately silenced by the sound of a hammer clicking. David had produced his revolver hidden under a tray and a napkin that which he kept hidden when multiple corks were fired in similar effect to that of a gunshot. What nobody noticed was that the bodyguard who attempted to take advantage of the situation and kill David, he instead found himself faint when the gun the guard had slipped onto the table. 

The son quickly grabbed the gun and discreetly glanced around to see if any wandering eyes caught onto the fuss being made. Johnny chuckled and produced from his side jacket pocket an empty vial, mocking Huang and his son as he explained that he took the precaution beforehand which lead to the cocky smirks on their faces to drop in an instant. Now, they were at the disadvantage. Their plan had failed. 

"Ah, ah! I don't think so," said David when he noticed the son attempt to reach for his gun. "Hand it over." 

Within a matter of seconds, a panic broke out. Gunshots went off and the audience ran like crazy while the two bodyguards attacked David and Johnny - the struggle was difficult for the two allies to beat up their attackers until Johnny was able to get the upper hand and kicked his opponent into David's. Huang took advantage of the scuffle and made a dash for the kitchen when the kitchen doors burst open with several guards flooding in to assist in eliminating the trouble-makers. By that time, the audience was gone and replaced in their company were more of Huang's men armed with assault rifles and pump shotguns. 

In haste to flee the scene, Johnny threw a table over, using it as cover while he and David waited for the suppression fire to cease. Once he found his moment, David shot up and marked six targets for each bullet in the chamber and executed them on the spot before reloading his gun. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a small round object roll alongside him. It took a split second for him to realise it was a hand grenade and acted in haste to return it to the group of men when one screamed out the name of the object right when the explosion silenced a majority of the gunmen. 

"Out that window! Quick!" Johnny yelled amidst the gunfire and physically pushed his friend to run for the window they burst through. 

"SHIIIIIT!!" David screamed as the two broke through four awnings before they hit a fifth they bounced off of into boxes of vegetables. "The car! The car! Get to the car!" 

Both men scampered for an available vehicle and hijacked it as David hopped in the drivers seat and accelerated to reach the airport to commandeer a jet. Two cars pursued them where Johnny was able to provide cover fire - his aim hoped to hit either the driver or one of the front tyres. The high speed pursuit called upon the Shanghai police force to tail the back Mafia car as the front sustained heavy damage from the gun Johnny was firing at them before a stray bullet caused the front windscreen to crack seconds before the car veered to the left and crashed into a wall. 

"THAT'S THE STUFF!! Keep it up, Johnny! Johnny?! JOHNNY!!" David bellowed cheerily. 

His companion slumped back in his seat, a wet patch formed over the left side of his upper body. 

"Don't worry, buddy. I'll get you outta here," said David as he pushed the pedal fully to the floor, the engine hummed louder as the long stretch for the airport came into view. 

"Not this time, old friend... We've been on many adventures together... but into the great unknown mystery... I go first, my friend... th-thank you, for being a v-v-valuable ally... I-I'm scared man... I'm scared... I don't wanna die... I don't, I-I don't..."  

On his final breath, Johnny's body untensed, his body slid further down in the passenger seat when David had to slam on the breaks which caused the body to slid right down the seat before David sprung out and dashed for the closest jet that appeared ready to take off. As soon as he was on board the first jet, he commandeered it by pointing his gun at the pilots and ordered them to take off immediately. With haste, the jet took off after the door was closed, its course chartered for England where David had high hopes he'd finally be reunited with his beloved wife and finally ease from his life of action and adventure. 

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