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Following closely behind the adventurer, David screamed when they reached a zip-line, only for the tower the zip-line was connected to got blown up, causing the two to submerge once more, only this time Lara had fallen unconscious but with David still active to save her. Now knowing they were safe upon reuniting with Jacob who took them to a hideout, they took Lara to shelter where Jacob revived her with a fire and a liquid herb to keep her healthy after being exposed to such cold temperatures.

"You could have left me in that river," said Lara as she seemed unaware of who her true saviour was.

"Would you have left me?" Jacob countered.

"I'd have thought about it."

Jacob chuckled. "What makes you think I didn't?"

"Oh please. You and I both know you don't have it in you," commented David. "You feeling okay, Lara?"

Lara's body shook less violently now that she was being supplied by a fire's heat. "Y-Y-Yes, thank you."

"I'll have you know it was not I who spared you from the depths of the water. It appears your boyfriend has a knack for saving damsels in distress. Only I granted this place to recover - I'll have you know. So, what makes you risk so much to come here?"

"The Divine Source."

"I know what you're looking for. But I want to know why."

Knowing there was some personal stuff to display, Lara finished the herb and began to explain her mission which was what brought them there in the first place.

"A difference is not always for the best. Would you wish Trinity to have the secret to immortality?" Jacob said deadpanned. 

"Of course not." Lara responded confidently.

"Then I would ask you not to abandon your quest, but to alter its path. Join me and my people. Help us repel Konstantin and Trinity."

"And after that's done?"

"Then you leave our valley untouched, but knowing that you've done the right thing."

Lara shook her head in disagreement. "No, I'm sorry. I can't do that."

"Can't... or won't?"

"I'll fight Trinity with you, but my goal remains the same. If I give up now..."

"You'd feel you'd be letting him down."

"Not just him. I need answers, Jacob. I need to understand. You're leaving?"

Jacob rose up to his feet and laid a disappointed expression at them both. "Right now, my concern is for my village. It's over the mountain pass, a day's journey on foot. But there may be a faster way through the old copper mine. And you, my friend?"

David inhaled sharply and folded his arms across his chest. "I'm with her, every step of the way. No doubt about that... mate."

Faking a smile, Jacob looked back at Lara and waved his index finger at her. "You. Rest. I'll be back soon."

As he took his leave from the cave, Lara glanced at David and rested herself against him comfortably. Resting his chin on her head, David wrapped his arms around her and rested them in her lap as she gently caressed his forearm through the fabric of his thick jumper. Snuggling himself with her in between his arms and legs, David kissed the top of her head a couple of times which surprised the brunette at his fondness for her. Looking over her shoulder, Lara stared blankly at him, slowly inching her face closer to his before their lips met and they melted into each other as things quickly escalated to the point that they undressed themselves and took the opportunity of Jacob's absence to make love to each other. 

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