Pt. IV

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Surrey, London
06:00 hrs 

Another tired yawn followed as the sole resident of Croft Manor struggled to maintain her train of thought as all she could do was fight heavy eyes and a lazy writing hand that began to make errors with her writing style. Finally concluding to head off for bed at such an early time in the morning, Lara dragged her feet carelessly along the carpet as she made her way for her room down the corridor. Once in the privacy of her room, Lara kicked off her boots and crawled into her bed without the bother of changing into her pyjamas and instantly settled as she laid on the left side of the bed with her back to the edge and the possibility of unwanted guests. 

In the seclusion of her room, Lara found something within herself that required desperate attention. Her hand slithered downwards to the front of her pants and inside, she began to create a motion by rubbing her fingers around her clit in a circular motion while her other hand reached under her shirt past her bra. Squeezing her nipple, Lara bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the pleasure she provided to herself as she uttered the name of her husband to stimulate her self enjoyment. Upon reaching climax, Lara shuddered and relaxed now that she could rest better with the abandoned thought of David's absence that continued to irk her. 

It just so happened that this was the case where she had not expected anybody to walk in on her in the middle of her slumber until she became alerted to the close breath that hit her face. The body that climbed in, making the bed dip as said body shuffled closer made Lara so cautious that she jumped at the body and with ease, groped her hands around their throat before she retracted one into a fist that hovered beside her face. Her voice bellowed in anger and fear as the confusion awoke Lara's butler to investigate the disturbance, only to find a light switched on that identified the two in Lara's room. 

Upon realising just who was in Lara's company, Winston relaxed and clutched a hand over his heart and exclaimed, "Oh, what a relief, master David! And I thought I had to pull out my seventeen inch iron barrel Blunderbuss." 

The brown-haired male widened his eyes in shock and nervously greeted the butler who closed the doors to the room and left them in peace. As soon as the doors were closed, Lara threw her arms around his neck and giggled into David's neck before they smothered their lips all over each other. 

"Oh, I missed you! I missed you so, so much!" Lara exclaimed and smothered her husband's face with kisses. 

"Baby, ba--hey! Take it easy, alright? I'm here. We're safe now," said David as he cupped her cheeks and brushed his fingers delicately along her skin. "I love you." 

"I love you too. You must be exhausted. Do you want something to consume? You must be starving." 

"I-I'm fine, honey. Really. I'm just glad to be back here with you." 

Climbing under the bedsheets, David snuggled up against his wife, spooning her. His arm reached over her body and pulled against her body underneath her breasts. Relief filled David now that he was home at last where he could finally adjust to a normal life. Later that morning, the young married couple were awoken by a knock at their door. Winston entered the room with a tray of breakfast in his hands, the scent of the freshly cooked meal tingled their nostrils. 

The brunette sat up first to receive the meal while David remained laid on his side facing Lara who took the tray and laid it on her lap after repositioning her pillow. Dismissing the butler, Lara dug into her portion of the breakfast whilst David slowly sat himself up and retrieved his plate of toast and coffee.

"How'd you sleep last night, honey?" David inquired as he sipped on his coffee.

"Oh, surprisingly better. Despite working all night." Lara replied with a nervous chuckle.


"I know! I know. But, now that you're here, I won't have to worry about other things except us. How did your trip go, by the way?"

David smiled falsely at her and diverted his gaze from her eyes to his breakfast. "Oh. Just... s-s-splendid. Everything is sorted out now - that I can assure you; you will have my full, undivided attention now, now that we can focus on living a normal life out of expeditions and dangerous islands with people who want to kill us."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Alright... You know I love you. I won't push, but once you're ready, you can tell me when you're ready to talk."

"I'm not hiding anything, Lara." David responded selfishly.

"Don't lie to me."

Seeing where the conversation was going, the young couple were put off their meal so to converse in a less friendly and quiet manner.

"Lara, butt out."

"No. I will not 'butt out.' You're my husband. We're supposed to trust each other. How can I live with someone I can't trust?" Lara snapped.

"It was a simple job, alright? All I had to do was help my buddy extract an urn, deliver it to this Yakuza crime boss and get outta there. Now, can we please get off it and eat our damn breakfast?"

"Hmph. Fine."

For the entirety of that morning and early afternoon, both David and Lara refused to make conversation let alone spare long glances at one another whenever they'd cross paths either working around the manor or tending to imperfections around said manor, such as the garden where to Lara's surprise, David had spent a majority of the day painting something on a canvas by the flower bed. 

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