404 8 1

Day 24
10:50 hrs

A quick, swift return relieved David that his companion had returned in one piece with the pack she retrieved. Opening the medical kit, she treated his leg appropriately whilst he was unconscious. When Roth came to, he appraised Lara for her skills in bandaging his wound. 

"So, I assume the plan is to take that up to the radio tower?" Lara questioned. 

"That should give us the best shot of broadcasting a strong signal in every direction," said Roth. "Look, Lara... We need to send out that SOS and I'm not climbing anytime soon." 

"Yeah, I was afraid you were going to say that." 

"You can do it, Lara. After all, you're a Croft." 

"I don't think I'm that kind of Croft." 

"Sure you are. You just don't know it yet." 

"Well, let's hope I'm a fast learner, then." 

"Just, be careful, Lara." 

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." David said snarkily. 

"Shuttup, Gardner." Roth shot back with a grin. 

Steadily, David rose up to his feet and proved that he was ready for the challenge ahead. With her axe, Lara climbed unclimbable surfaces by using her axe for support before tossing it down to her companion who followed after her. Together, they scaled upwards to reach their objective of reaching the radio tower - both of whom provided crucial assistance to making the climb - when a bridge collapsed beneath Lara, separating the two. 

"You go on ahead, Lara! I'll find another way around!" David yelled. 

"Be safe!" Lara yelled back when she picked up her walkie-talkie. 

David began his hike by climbing through wet bushes, the rain trickled on him as the breeze gave no comfort either. Camps littered with madmen guarded a path leading to the bunker they were all referring to since the storm had picked up. Silently, David crept through the bushes, using the rain as his advantage to make as little noise as possible without alerting the guards before he killed them without remorse while he still had the element of surprise. Quickly, David fled into the bunker where he found some sort of ambush waiting for someone. 

Through the ventilation, David crawled through, ignoring the steam blowing in his face as he found himself higher on the mountain where snow was falling. A collapsed bridge was ahead of him, the sense of instability irked him that it could collapse at any moment. With no other way across, he maintained balance whilst walking over a beam towards a truck. A man appeared from behind the truck and warned his friends that he had found an outsider. Little did he knew, that he was messing with the wrong outsider. With the madman's hands around his throat, David punched him, pushing him back towards imminent demise until he managed his balance before David pushed him off and drew his gun in anticipation for a gunfight. 

The people in his way proved quite the challenge as fortunately, a line of explosive barrels gave him the advantage to kill all of the parties in his path. Ahead of David, stood a brute with a shield and armour. With only a machete as his weapon, David struggled to find an opening as all he could do was use the weapons of the fallen madmen to distract his enemy, when along came Lara, handgun primed as she fired a few shots at the man's lower back, instantly making him succumb to his wounds before the reunion pleased them both before focusing on the broadcast tower. 

"There's nowhere to run, outsider!" A voice yelled. 

The surprise in the voices of the men blocking their path frightened them that a mere woman like Lara could outsmart them. 

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