Pt. I

190 6 0

Lambeth, England
13:12 hrs

After watching his lover take her leave to embark on her next expedition, David Gardner found little joy to keep him occupied in her absence. As a way to occupy the rest of the day, David took to an underground fighting competition in which his confidence in the fight grew as soon as he got into the ring. Half-naked and with his hands bandaged for the fight, David contended against many a fighters to get to the point he had to face off with the champion himself.  A man with a buzz cut sporting a scar going vertically over his hair line in a tank top growled ferociously at David as if intimidation was key to cause him to panic, thus lose concentration. 

Calmly, the younger man preyed on fighting his opponent as the cuts and bruises would not mount up to what would be carried out momentarily as the crowd roared in excitement, money being waved around as bets were placed evenly on both men - more so towards the undefeated champion whereas others gave a splinter of hope to the new arrival who crushed all other opponents leading up to that very moment. Despite being bigger in stature, it provided no difference to how David would play out the fight as he thought, 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall.' 

At the blow of a whistle, both men raised their fists to their faces and approached each other. The champion swung first, missing twice as David almost mocked the taller man as he dodged his attacks which carried plenty of strength to knock a slimmer man unconscious or near death with one punch. But seeing as how David had experience in fights, he would not be easy to eliminate from the competition. While he knew he wouldn't get anywhere laying his full attacks early on, he decided to wait it out and tire his opponent even though it would not be as effective unless he retaliated. 

Throwing his fist strongly, David missed the man's face as in return, a quick jab to his mouth caused him to fall onto his bottom when he was pulled up to his feet. David bit the man's forearm, causing him to scream in pain as the voices of the crowd hid his rage before he threw David away, giving him a chance to dance around with his enemy. While the champion delivered strong blows, David could not amount to what he was giving him as the next punch that knocked him to the ground, allowed him to gather dirt in his hand before throwing it at the champion's face, barely stunning the man. 

With a punch to the gut, David grunted loudly as he was constantly punched to the floor before being picked up and punched repeatedly until he was able to get away only momentarily as the crowd's hunger could not be pleased by his lack of effort to provided a satisfying duel. Then, an opportunity was provided. Where David noticed someone's handkerchief lying on the border of the ring, he sought to use it to his advantage by finally besting the champion. As David called a forfeit, the champion became aggressively uneasy as he taunted the younger man as well as hocking a loogie at the ground. 

Taking the handkerchief into his care, David wiped the back of his sweaty head and his face before throwing it at the face of his opponent. In one swift move, David blocked a blind jab, countering with a hook to the cheek before slamming his palms into the ears of the champion, leaving him dazed. David then blocked a wide haymaker with his left elbow, using his other fist to punch the stomach of his opponent. With a lazy second haymaker, the champion was blocked a second time before David threw his left elbow up, smacking the brute in the jaw, breaking it. 

Unexpecting a retaliation, David was tackled, charged into the wall of the ring. Slamming his fist on the dome of his enemy, David fought brutally until he was eventually able to render his opponent unconscious. While half the crowd cheered in appraisal of their winnings, the other half booed and jeered as David made off for the locker room to clean off and to receive his earnings from winning the tournament. Idly, David sat in the locker room, hidden between two rows of lockers when he overheard two men speak. 

"... we've come too far to stop now. We must find it." One man spoke in a gravelly voice. 

"It's Croft who's the problem. She and her accomplices provide many complications for us. If she finds out what we're up to, we'd better warn Dominguez. Should Rourke be concerned?" A second responded in a slightly panicky voice. 

"Of course not! What is one woman going to do against an army of Trinity soldiers? But Operation: Blackout might not come into effect with our operation in Mexico. There is, something else." 

"What is it?" 

There was a moment of silence as David remained as still and silent as possible to avoid giving away his position and that he was eavesdropping. 

The first man took a sharp inhale and said, "Travis Gardner made a legendary discovery. It was said in his journal that he may have discovered the location of the Holy Grail. And there's a clue that it starts somewhere in Venice. If we gain the Holy Grail, we could be unstoppable; live forever, rule forever. But whom would we nominate for such a goal?" 

"What about Mr Cruz? He gained an idol from Croft and Gardner's son." The other recommended. "He poses invaluable importance to Trinity. He may have his flaws, but one thing he's persistent at is hunting Croft and her boyfriend." 

"He's here after all, you know?" 

"Here? Now?" 

"Yes, you pilfering buffoon. Did you not see him fight Carter? I lost five thousand quid on him! I think I'd like to do more than just let David suffer. I'll put a bullet between his skull. Then we'll see what happens when he crosses Spencer Reed. Send the word out. Five hundred thousand for anyone who can bring me David Gardner dead. A million alive, so I can teach him some manners first; then, I'll kill his girlfriend before I reunite them." 

The second man chuckled. "Nice." 

As David remained hidden, his heart dropped in his chest as he knew his escape was paramount in ensuring that Trinity did not gain the Holy Grail, if ever they were to come close to discovering its location anytime soon. Once again, David Gardner had to stop Trinity from succeeding - without Lara - as the two archaeologists kept each other in their minds as they conducted their expedition, more so Lara if she were to stop the world from ending... 

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