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A/n: As per your request, my friend, Royallloyal, here is your story. Half of it will be adventurous, the other half as romantic as I can make it. Enjoy! 

Location: classified
Date: classified
19:23 hrs

In a quiet household, a man hunched over, silently creeping up stairs, a gun primed to shoot his marked targets as one sped across the second floor from the bathroom out of sight, unaware of the man pressed against the wall. Slowly, he peeked around the corner and changed position of his gun so that it was now in his dominant grip. Tip-toeing to an open door, he took a few quick breaths before barging into the room, causing much yelling and screaming as his targets succumbed to his surprise attack before he placed his gun on the floor and jumped on their bodies, squashing the four-foot victims. 

"Daddy! Get off!" A child cried. 

"Stop it, daddy!" Another exclaimed in a fit of giggles. 

"You're so heavy! And fat!" 

"Hey! That's uncalled for!" The father said sarcastically. 

A woman entered the room, wearing nothing but an oversized shirt and elf socks, leaning against the door frame, arms folded under her breasts as a grin was displayed on her face. 

"At least I'm not fat. Unlike somebody," said the father teasingly as he gestured to his wife. 

The woman let out a little gasp and approached her spouse and slapped his thigh, driving a stinging pain on the exposed part of his leg. Their children giggled profusely at their father's suffering as once they all settled, their parents tucked them into bed. 

One of the children raised their voice, asking, "Tell us a bedtime story!" 

"Not tonight. Go to bed." 


The mother sighed. "Fine. But after we tell you a bedtime story, all four of you had better go to sleep?" 

"Okay, mommy!" 

Sitting on a chair beside the bed of the eldest, the mother decided to tell them all about how she and her husband met, which apparently was a story tale they'd been eager to hear for a while now. 

"Well... your father and I met a long time ago. We were young, and so in love," the mother began. "Being archaeologists - finding old artefacts - we so happened to be on the same ship. There was a fierce storm! I was in my room, listening to music when there was a shake in the ship. Then, the ship split in half--" 

The children let out a loud, obnoxious gasp as their mother continued her tale. There was much excitement in their eyes as the tale fascinated them so much, that the father couldn't help but admire his wife with the same affection he found when he first fell in love with her. And this was the story where their worlds collided... 

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