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"... and then what happened, mommy?" The second-eldest child questioned. 

"Then your mother defeated the leader of the Kukulkan and saved the world!" David exclaimed for theatrical effect and smiled at his children's reaction as they clapped and cheered.

Lara adored the love he shared with his family where she found herself rekindling the love she first felt for him when she knew he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

"And then, Samantha, dearest, you four were born. Samantha, James, Joslin and little Sean." 

David placed a hand on her shoulder as his eyes began to glisten from the tears that started to form due to finding the true happiness he'd desired. Lara and David made their way to the door and looked back at their children once more before they bid each other good night. Closing the door behind him, David followed his wife to their room and snuggled underneath the sheets. 

"Comfy, are we?" Lara teased as David spooned her where she felt a bulge between her legs. 

"Oh, rapaciously, darling." David growled flirtatiously and groped his arm underneath her breasts. 

"Again? Tonight?" 

"Only if you want me to." 

Lara inhaled sharply. "Nah. Let's enjoy the moment." 

"Fine by me, my love. Goodnight, Lara. Sweet dreams, my dear." 

"Mm, goodnight, love." 

What the brunette found odd was her husband suddenly bickering her to wake up. Lara groaned in irritation of his pestering her before she finally did what she was told and found herself in a cold environment. 

"Was that all just dream?" Lara thought to herself when suddenly any remembrance of a possible future turned to oblivion. 

"Hey, you okay?" A masculine voice spoke nearby. 

Lara glanced over her shoulder and spotted her boyfriend, David, sitting on his bottom with his arms on his knees, settled by a fire for warmth. 

"I-I'm fine. Wh-What happened?" Lara replied bashfully and scooted against him as he accepted her presence and cuddled her. 

"Well... let's see... fought off Trinity, trekked through a frickin' snowy mountain blizzard, almost died countless times, got you pregnant, got shot, got stabbed, got punched, got bushwhacked and we still haven't had time for dinner." 

Lara giggled and nestled her face in his neck before she started to pepper kisses on his neck, some that would leave hickeys. In the murky cave they were in, the young couple became intimate with one another when there was the sound of one clearing their throat to interrupt the moment. Both Lara and David let out a gasp as they looked in the direction of the person and became startled with whom they found threatened by. 

"What the hell are you...?" Lara muttered in shock. 

A woman snickered evilly. "I'm you, but without the flaws." 

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