Pt. II

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Dragon's Triangle, South of Japan 
Day 23
05:10 hrs

At sunrise, the two survivors were woken by the strange environment where Lara and David woke from their slumber to examine the area around them. It was there that Lara noticed how armed David was by the gun holstered on his person as well as the rope around his belt. She noticed the satchel containing objects inside that filled it whereas his clothing revealed no other useful items except the dagger and gun. While she had the bow and arrow, it was more effective for hunting whereas his gun excelled in the art of armed combat. 

"You're awake," slurred David as he rubbed his eyes. "How are you feeling? Well rested?" 

"Fine, thank you." She replied gratefully and nodded his way. 


"Well, I just woke up, so I suppose I'll have to be." 

"Better eat something first. Keep our strength up. I saw a few deer's around here earlier - could use them to fill our stomachs." 

Lara agreed and produced her bow and an arrow and made off with David following behind her to keep her company. He watched on as Lara found her prize and primed her shot, exhaling as she fired the arrow at the face of the deer, instantly killing it. He applauded her, boosting her confidence as she went to retrieve the dead deer before David helped her carve it up to eat its meat. After breakfast, the two made off to search for a means of escaping. An old worn cabin grabbed their attention, to which they found a lit torch and used as they found a hole to enter. 

Lara leaned over the hole and stared at the darkness and said, "This could be a way through." 

"Let's hope so," said David. 

Offering his hand for the torch, Lara smiled and climbed her way down first, David following as the two ventured through a tunnel filled with chest-high water. Markings engraved in white chalk resembled something that neither were familiar of. Stairs leading out of the water took the two to a room where music played. 

"Oh God. This is insane," commented Lara. 

"What the hell...? This is like something out of Resident Evil." David added as the two found a meat room. 

Lara found herself a pry axe as the source of the music came through a sonophone playing old, traditional Asian music. A door they opened lead them through more murky water where they found their way out. There was a light fog and bugs making noises when also a feminine voice caused the two survivors to stand still. Putting the fire out, Lara walked ahead of David as light shone off some rocks where the voices grew louder. Peeking around the corner, she was identified by a friend of hers. David appeared also, cautious of the two survivors, more so the man with the crutch. 

"Mathias." David muttered coldly. 

"David. Long time no see." Mathias replied with the same neutral feeling he shared for him. 

"You know him?" Lara asked curiously. 

Both men stared each other down, their fists clenched as if they were ready to start a fight, but Mathias refrained and remained as polite as he could. 

"Sam, here, was just telling me about the Sun Queen..." Mathias trailed off, drawing them back to what he and Sam were conversing about earlier. 

"Right. Himiko," said the other woman. 

"Can you tell me more? I'm intrigued." 

"Well... believe it or not, a couple thousand years ago, Queen Himiko pretty much ran things in Japan." 

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