Pt. V

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There was peace and quiet as the survivors relaxed by consuming the rest of the fish Jonah and David collected previously. Only now that their laziness and need for sleep allowed a surprise attack to occur as the others scrambled for cover; Whitman taking advantage of the situation to kidnap Samantha to return her to Mathias while the others were too busy fighting off the men daring to finish them off on the beach then and there. Fortunately, only Joslin survived the gunfight with a graze to her arms as their attackers either fled or died by their rifles. 

Lara returned shortly after to find David bandaging Joslin's arm with the new supply of bandages as she proposed a plan to save Samantha. With the boat's accessibility offered to the survivors, they and Lara sailed their way through to an X on the map Lara provided to reveal where they were to go in order to rescue Samantha. 

"Lara, what do you expect to find in there?" Reyes inquired. 

"Do you really want to know?" Lara questioned. 

"No. But you should tell me anyway." 

"There's the soul of an ancient Sun Queen trapped in a dead body. Her rage is what's causing these storms. If we destroy the body, the storms will stop." 

"Right. And why does Mathias want Sam?" 

"I don't know. And that's what's scaring me the most. Look, I know this is a crazy plan." 

"Yeah, it is. But crazy is all we got. So let's do this." 

Through the mountain pass, they sailed along to a wall where Jonah pumped his shotgun and smiled at the brunette. 

"I'll need you and Reyes to guard the main entrance while I go in after Sam," said Lara. 

"You're going in there alone?" Reyes questioned. 

"Of course not. David will accompany me. But more people means more danger of being spotted. I trust David with my life. I need you two taking out as many of these bastards as you can in the meantime. It won't just be the Solarii either, there will be others. Samurai, the Queen's Stormguard. Look, anything that's not me or Sam or David, shoot it." 

Jonah lightly grabbed Lara's arm and stared down at her nervously. "My little bird, this isn't goodbye. I'm not going to say goodbye." 

"We've got your back, Lara." 

Together, David and Lara scaled the cliff face to a ledge where a fairly strong breeze blew. Firing a roped arrow, Lara made her way across first before waiting for David as the two made their way through a short tunnel where they caught sight of Whitman, Mathias and Samantha, who was now dressed in ceremonial clothing. In an attempt to bring peace between them and the Samurai, Whitman was cut down for failing to convince the guards who cut him down before Mathias and Samantha crossed a bridge that half collapsed behind them. 

An alternate route they took which took them inside the palace. They required stealth mode to sneak past the Samurais patrolling the corridors as Lara lead with David following. It wasn't long before the two were spotted, now being chased by the Samurai as their pursuers were relentless in their ancient ways. 

"Lara, watch out!" David yelled as he met the first Samurai head on. 

In a standstill, both men stared down each other as the Samurai pushed David away and raised their sword up. Firing her pistol, Lara killed the first Samurai when two more appeared in their way. Picking up the sword, David and Lara fought off the remaining two Samurais before they continued along to pursue Mathias and Sam. 

"Oh shit. We got incoming!" Lara exclaimed as fire arrows were shot at them. 

"Come get some, you bastards!" David yelled challengingly as the two fought through a camp. 

After dealing with the small army, an open gate provided the route to get to where Mathias desired to be when a giant stood in their path. Fortunate for the strong breeze, it disposed of the large obstacle as they fought their way through to catch up to Sam's kidnapper and David's rival. The sky grew dimmer as on a bridge, Mathias and Sam appeared before the two as time pressed against them. A cauldron of fire Mathias tipped over to block their path as he fled through two large wooden doors that he bolted shut, resulting in yet another alternate course to be taken to stop him. To the roof of the palace, Mathias resided in an attempt to perform a ritual to revive the Sun Queen using Samantha as the sacrifice. 

"Oh, great queen. Through the trials, I have brought you the vessel. Pour fourth, and return to this mortal coil. Pour forth, and be reborn! Pour fourth and awaken!" Mathias preached as the statue of the Sun Queen was awoken. 

Wave after wave, the two fought their way around the perimeter of the magical dome cancelling out the strong winds before they were able to make it to Mathias. Only now, more Samurai had showed up to protect the ritual. 

"GO LARA! I'LL KEEP THEM AT BAY! GET TO SAM! HURRY!!" David bellowed through the strong winds. 

As David fought off the larger Samurai, Lara fought Mathias before killing the Sun Queen's other form, saving Samantha. A light shone through the clouds, illuminating the ritual area as the remaining Samurai fell to David's blade. Slowly, he walked over to them and embedded the blade into the ground before he picked Samantha up and escorted them back to the boat. From a new morning, the heroes left the forsaken island, freeing not only themselves but the island itself from its curse as they sailed in the boat to the sun. 

'I've been so blind... so naïve. For years I resented my father, doubted him like the rest. But he was right about so much. I just wish I could tell him that now. There are so many mysteries that I once dismissed as mere stories. But the line between our myths and truth is fragile and blurry. I need to find answers. I must understand.' 

In the trail of her thoughts, someone drew her from it and provided care to her as a chill brought goosebumps to everyone on the boat. "Hey, you okay? You seem... lost." 

Lara raised her eyebrows, curious as to who was providing her company when she noted that David was once again there for her. She noticed how lost he seemed as well, noting that him standing beside her staring less so at the watch made her curious. 

"Y-Yeah. And you?" Lara stammered a reply. 

David sighed and stared ahead at the sunrise. 

"I couldn't have a chat with Mathias. If we weren't in such a damn hurry, I'd love to have asked him about--" 

"The watch? There's more to it than you realise. Sorry. Was." 

Reaching into her pocket, Lara surprised him with the golden watch. Shocked by this, he took it, grateful as he unintentionally kissed her cheek and examined the watch and his journal as if nothing had happened. David then proceeded to share the tales his father told him, fortifying her research for other expeditions she planned on taking part in in the future as she enjoyed his company and discreetly laid her head on his shoulder as he continued to ramble tales of his father's adventures that ultimately brought him into the life of archaeology. 

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