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Amazon River, Peru
16:12 hrs

"Jonah, I may have found it. The Hidden City. I'm going to look for the Serpent with the Silver Eye," reported Lara after swinging her way to the next stage of the trials. 

In the small area, Lara found interesting items that she took onto her person as the chittering of insects failed to irk her of its nuisance. All seemed peaceful when distant sounds of a person grunting and squirming caught her attention. Not far ahead from where she was, Lara discovered a boy wearing traditional garbs, trapped by a snare that caught his leg. As she tried to assist the child, an axe was thrown between the boy and Lara, hitting a basket where she felt threatened by a man charging towards her. Lara fired three arrows, two of which hit her target before the attacker fell onto his back before she salvaged the two arrows on the body. 

As she went to free the boy, a male voice yelled nearby, alerting Lara of more danger present as three more men appeared, ready to assault them when she primed her bow, only for three arrows to embed themselves in the three hostiles while Lara remained curious as to who helped her. To her left, in the direction in which the arrows came, she spotted a woman accompanied by four men wielding bows who approached to secure the boy. While she felt endangered, not as much so knowing that their purpose there was for the same reason. 

"Who are you? What's your purpose here?" The woman questioned in fluent English. 

"I'm a, researcher. Lara Croft." The brunette answered neutrally. 

While the woman stared at Lara, it was not her whom she was talking to when a bag was placed over Lara's head. "They'll be back. We must find safety. Bring her." 

Compliantly, she allowed the man behind her to guide her through the jungle to the sanctuary of the woman and her people, where she could overhear the mother scold the child. Silently, Lara sat on stone as the bag was removed from her head where she noticed the woman absorb the warmth from the fireplace where she noticed tattoos and her jewellery before she was questioned further. 

"If you're not with the Cult, how did you find this place?" The woman questioned coolly. 

Hesitantly, Lara answered as she felt she posed no danger to the people she helped. "I followed a map from the temple. I was expecting ruins, not you or, any of this. The Cult... why did they attack your son? I-I recognise their insignia. I know them as Trinity. I'm trying to stop them." 

This peaked the woman's interest as she slowly arched around to face the brunette. 

"Stop them from doing what?" 

"They're looking for an artefact. A, some sort of box, connected to a moon goddess." 

"Why do you want it? To steal it? Sell it?" The woman asked accusingly.

"No! I can't let Trinity - the Cult - get to it first. They're too dangerous." 

"Why? What have they done to you?" 

While it was a sensitive subject, Lara remained visibly strong and answered, "They killed my father. Can I show you something?" 

Drawing the photograph, Lara asked about it as well as pointing at a wall that interested her similarly to the photo. 

"This is Paititi. You're already here," said the woman monotonously. 

"Patiti...? The Hidden City. But what's this eye?" 

"That is a place of death and sacrifice. And you think your artefact is there?" 


"None who has gone has ever returned." 

"I'd be willing to try." 

"You would risk it simply to stop the Cult?" 

Lara thought about her decision, knowing that the slim chances of her leaving alive and reuniting with David. Yet, she answered with confidence. Removing her gaze from the captivating brunette, the woman waved her hand at one of her men, who called upon a man that emerged from around a corner. 

"D-D-David?" Lara stuttered, shocked to see him present for her journey. 

The busy-faced man smiled humbly and gave a simple nod her way. "Hey, babe. It's me. Surprise!" 

"Do you know this man?" The woman asked curiously. 

"He's my boyfriend. What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home?" 

"Heh. You know me. Can't resist an adventure knowing you're out there having all the fun. I, uh, got picked up a couple days ago. Ran into a storm, but it wasn't like the one in Yamatai. Much smaller, easier to get through. Landed in Kuwaq Yaku, heard the locals met a tourist. A very sexy tourist with brown hair, armed with a handgun, knife and a bow and arrows. Who else do I know dresses up like you?" 

"Have you seen Jonah?" 

"Oh yeah. He, he's fine. I met Abby. Nice girl. Didn't get much of a friendly introduction after they caught me 'trespassing' on their land, but I suppose they let me off easy after giving one of their own a hand from some crazy dudes with kukris." 

"Who else is looking for you?" The woman interrupted. 

Lara shook her head. "There's our friend Jonah. He's a big man, tattoo, left arm bandaged. But otherwise, there's no-one else." 

"I believe we are seeking the same thing. We will bring you to the Serpent with the Silver Eye. But your friend, he will remain here. You won't get very far if you're lying. And he will not be comfortable." 

"Say what, now?" David stammered, blinking multiple times as he held his hands by his front. 

"You don't need to do that," said Lara. 

"It's okay, I'll, I'll stay. Stay safe, baby." 

"Are you sure?" 

David shrugged his shoulders. "I met you in this crooked place. Can't hurt to wait a little longer. Besides, got you to think about in the meantime - if you catch my drift. If I can find a decent spot to occupy on my own, that is. These people don't seem to respect privacy." 

Lara rolled her eyes when she was given clothes to change into before she accompanied the woman along through the Hidden City whilst marked as the Queen's guest. While Lara seemed to enjoy the decency of the village, she continued to explore before finding a vacant campfire to rest and perform crafting. 

"It's a bit... humbling to be here in Paititi. I didn't foresee any of this. I was expecting an ancient place - artefacts, tombs. I just failed to imagine... people. I was so focused on the trail of clues, I didn't even stop to wonder. I didn't mean to interfere, but Trinity's here. And now, so is David. So foolish, but bravehearted. Deep down, I knew he wouldn't resist disregarding my grounding him to our shared home. Regardless, I was proud to have him back with me." 

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