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I called my brother and Namjoon after the ambulance took Taehyung to the hospital. I held his hand the whole way because he woke up at one point and repeated my name. I was pacing around waiting to hear from him.


I heard my brother's voice calling me, with Nam behind him. Jungkook ran up to me and took me in his arms.

"Little sister!"

"You're okay, nothing happened to you?! "he worried, looking to see if I had a scratch.

"No oppa... I'm fine... but I'm worried about Taehyung."

"It was his father... wasn't it? "Namjoon intervened and I nodded.

"Damn it. "he sighed.

The doors opened and a nurse walked out.

"Please tell me he's okay! "I said.

"The doctor stitched up his shoulder wounds, the blows almost hit the artery and he lost a lot of blood but now he's okay, he'll wake up soon," she explained.

She offered me a smile to reassure me. I sighed with relief.

"It's going to be okay, he's going to get better," Jungkook said.

"Can we see him? "I asked.

"Yes, but no more than two at a time."

I pushed the handle and entered followed by Jungkook while Namjoon waited outside. I moved closer to the bed where Taehyung was and took his hand.



My eyes widened.

"Are you awake?!"

"Taehyung bro, I'm glad you're okay," said Jungkook.

"I'm fine, it just hurts a little," he smiles.

"Could he have killed you?! You passed out from blood loss! "I was worried.

" Y/N... "said Kook.

"Kook take me home, I hate hospitals,"he asked.

"You have to stay here for a few days."

"The police said your father ran away," Kook said.

Taehyung looked away, his expression changed immediately.

"You have to leave now, the patient needs to rest," the nurse told us.

We nodded and left the room.

"Rest," I said before leaving.

"You have to go to class, I'll take care of him... go ahead, Nam will take you," Jungkook said.

I nodded, but I didn't really feel like going to class right now.

"Come," Nam said to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

Jungkook went to get something to eat for Tae.

POV Jimin


I didn't know what to do when I saw my best friend who is the one who hates me the most right now.


There was a blank between us until Nam decided to speak.

"Some time ago, Taehyung asked me, with his rectangular smile, if he could stay with me for a while," he sighed.

"And I didn't see anything, I know Taehyung is not someone who talks a lot about his problems but I should have seen it ... I'm a really bad friend," he said.

Jungkook's little sister「 BTS FF 」Where stories live. Discover now