Ch.27:The Truth Untold

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Yona let me sleep in her big
She wanted to know what happened but I didn't wanted tell her and when she saw me crying and shaking she let me just be for today.

I put Soyeon to sleep and I cried all night quiety trying not to wake up Soyeon

But her fatigue took over her and I fell asleep at the morning with swollen eyes

Yona pov

Yona was sitting with Jin drinking tea and worrying about Y / n.

Yona: What happened she never was like that?

Jin: I heard her crying at night.

Yona: She did? why you didn't told me ??

Jin: Because you asleep m and you are pregnant you need rest well.

Yona: Awww but you should wake me up? !

Jin: No thanks I prefer to live.

Yona: Go to work!

* He slapped Yona in ass *

Jin: Where is my goodbye kiss?

Yona: Sure you prefer my left fist or right?

* Jin ignored Yona  and pulled her by waist and kissed passionetly *

* He pulled away leaving Yona starled but happy *

Jin: Love you!

* He left *

* Yona touch her lips and smile *

Yona: * sigh * Omg I love him

* Then baby in Yona's belly kick her in ribs *

Yona: Yah! don't move you brat! You're just like your father.

* Then she remember about Y/n *

Yona: Right ... Y / n.

Y/n's pov

I woke up with headache and swollen eyes because Soyeon keept playing with my hair.

Soyeon: Mommy why you sad?

* I hugged her *

Me: I love you so much you know.

Soyeon: Me too but don't be sad I will give you kiss if you're hurt.

* Taers rolled on my cheeks without me even knowing. I still can't believe what happened yesterday *

Yona: Y / n what happened yesterday?
* She asked softly *

Me: Yona could you please give Soyeon breakfast?

Yona: What about you look tired you should eat something.

Me: I'm not hungry ...

Yona: Y / n you got in argue with Jungkook?

Me: Please he can't know I'm here.

Yona: But ...

Me: Please I don't want see him.

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