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Jungkook POV

After an argument with my father about why there were drugs in the house. I kept thinking that someone had tried to kill me. If Y/N hadn't been there I would have died.
Who was it? Who tried to kill me and why? Was it the same person who took Soyeon?
I can't believe she is my niece. My little sister has a baby... with my best friend...
I can't even imagine how badly she must be hurting right now and be afraid for Soyeon. I will never understand it until I have my own children.
I will have to go to her.

Jimin POV

I tried to help her fall asleep which was hard, she couldn't think of anything else but the abduction of Soyeon. It's hard for me too but I try to be calm for her.

I'm like, "Why did they take my baby?"
She was crying, wrapped up in her blanket.

"They're bad people they don't deserve to be alive... but Y/N please try to close your eyes and take a deep breath. »

"I can't. When I close my eyes I see Soyeon... »

I lay down beside her and took her in my arms to hug her. She continued to cry until she had no more tears and fell asleep tired in my arms. Her door opened and it was her father. He looked at his daughter and then at me.

"We need to talk. "He said firmly.

He turned and left, I gently placed Y/N's head on the pillow and covered her with the blanket.

"I'll come back later, try to get some rest you need it. »

I stroked her cheek gently so as not to wake her up and then followed her father.

Jungkook POV

I slowly entered her room, she was asleep. When I got closer to her, I saw on her cheeks the traces of the tears she had shed.

"Tae...hyung... "I heard her whisper in her sleep.

"Taehyung? "I whispered back.

She misses Taehyung. I don't know why he left him. He's her boyfriend and he should be by her side. I saw a tear running down his cheek, I wiped it away.

"Don't worry, I'll find him, sister. »

POV Taehyung

Irene was sitting on the couch trying to be sexy but in my head it was a mess. I sat there silently until she decided to break it up.

"You stopped being a little boy? What brings you here," she says with a smile.

"I've come to ask you something. "I'm sitting across from her.

"What is it," she asked with a smile on her lips.

"How did you deal with the fact that I rejected you? "Her smile disappeared immediately.

"You are insolent... how can you ask something like that? »

"Answer me. »

"Why? You had a fight with the kid you left me for. »

"I just want you to answer me... »

She came close to me and sat on my lap and then wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Taehyung-ah, I feel like I'm your toy that you need for a while and when you get tired of me, you find a new one... and to tell you the truth, I've never faced that... »

She started to get closer but I pushed her away to get her off my lap.

"Irene stops... I loved you but that was before. »

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