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* I got home and of course he was there wating on me*

Taehyung: What do you want?

Yugyeom: You know what I want cousin?

Tae: No! I have already repaid my debt !

* He stood up from couch *

Yugyeom: Now when my boss is dead I'm boss and remember I have my people everywhere.

Yugyeom: Btw I heard you became teacher so I thought you have money.

Tae: lf you're boss now then you should be rich.

* I laugh mockingly.
He walk closer to me *

Yugyeom: Huh? You talk back even after you got bullet I can sell you another one.

Me: Get .out .of .my .house.
I don't want see you ever again we are even.

* I said every word separety to let him understand me better *

Yugyeom: l thought I told you the only request that could give you peace.

Tae: l will never do that they are my friends ... get out.

Yugyeom: * smirk * I think we will see each other again Cousin.

* He laughed in my face, turned to door and left *

Tae: l hope not.

* I did right not giving him money, right? *


In the same time Rm and Jisoo were walking around taking photos and eating street food since she was here last time when she was little girl

Rm was a great guide since he know this city very well

Jisoo:Omo my somach hurts I'm so full.

Rm:Oh god I thought you're sick ?

Jisoo:*She laughs*No~you're worried ?

*Rm scrutch back of his neck*

Rm:What ?! I-I just asked... *He blushing*

* Jisoo smile she never meet such a adorable guy who make her laugh *

Jisoo: l think it's time to go home.

Rm: Already * He pouted *. Jisoo: Stop it it's 1am we were wandering like 2 hours my legs hurts.

Rm: Really? It felt like 15 minutes

* Rm sigh time with her passed quickly he never felt this with anyone even with Y / n *
Rm:I have to walk you home

* Jisoo smile and leaned to give him kiss in cheek *

Jisoo: Don't be grumpy we always can meet again.

* She started leaving.
Rm stood there for a moment and touched his cheek blushing *

* His heart started beat faster. Jisoo turned around *

Jisoo: You're not coming?
* Rm quickly woke up from daydream and looks at her * Rm: Of course I'm going

* He catch up with her and grab her hand *

* She look down at their connected hands, then at him *

Jisoo: W-what are you doing?

Rm: This is busy street I don't want you to get lost in crowd Let's go.

*He began to pull her with him but in reality just wanted hold yer hand *

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