Ch.26:I love you🔞

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Jimin's pov

I woke up in the middle of the night panting heavily all sweaty

I noticed empty place beside me where Y / n was before ,
I think she left already

She said she don't deserve me ... I don't deserve you baby

I lie down again looking at ceiling.l sighed and closed my eyes then retrospection appeared in front of my eyes

Me: Please! let it stop!
* I rubbed my eyes and covered my ears *


* Jungkook was woke up Soyeon's cries *

Jk: Aish

* he groaned *

Not willingly but he got up and follow after her cries he try to find her

* He opened doors and found Soyeon on floor scared crying *

Jk: Soyeon? What are you doing here in grandsparents room?

Soyeon: I'm looking for mommy * sat * .... where is mommy?

* Jungkook walk to her but when he was crouching under bed he saw some box he never saw before *

* He was interested but then Soyeon cries brought his attention again *

Soyeon: Uncle ... Kookoo

* She pout with tears in her eyes *

* Jk has hangover *

Jk: Come on kid ,
today you sleep with me I will beat your mother's ass

*Jungkook leaving room but still looking under bed curious*

*  Soyeon hugged in Jungkook's chest*

Soyeon: Love you

Jk: Kid I .... I love you too ...

* She give him peck in cheek *

Soyeon: Woohoo! I will sleep with you uncle.

* eye smile *

Jk: Yeah you lucky only beautiful girls sleep in my bed.

Soyeon: Like aunt Eunha ...

JK: Yeah ...just like aunt Eunha did...

* Jungkook started wonder where are you? *

Y/n's pov

You're back ten minutes later but when you entered there where no sign of Soyeon *

She wanted ask Jungkook but when she entered she saw someting cute

Soyeon hugging Jungkook's neck.

Me: Cuties.

Jk: I'm cute isn't?

* He smirk then his eyes oppened *

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