22:Meeting and Funeral

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After seeing Jungkook, we each went our separate ways to prepare for the funeral. I was almost ready, Soyeon was on the bed playing with my makeup products.

 I was almost ready, Soyeon was on the bed playing with my makeup products

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"Soyeon don't eat my lipstick. "

"I want to be like mom. "

"You can be like me when you're older."

" Where are we going ?"
She said cutely. I took my lipstick from her hands or she would have eaten it.

"We're going to see uncle." I turned to face the mirror to put on makeup.

"Uncle muscle pig?"

"Yes uncle muscle pig." I laughed. She talks about Jungkook, it's because I call him mister muscle.

"And we're going to say goodbye to your grandparents." I continued.

"Where are they now ?"I took her in my arms.

"In heaven, honey. "

"Paradise? "

"They are beautiful angels now. "

"Argggh!" Hoseok yelled from the bathroom.

"Hoseok are you ready?" He walked out of the bathroom upset.

" I can not !" He threw his tie on the bed. I took it and moved closer to him.

"I'll do it, come here." I tied him around his neck.

"You are more and more good at it. "

"Yes, I remember the first time I did it."I smiled. Hoseok stroked my cheek and I looked up into his eyes.

"I have always liked to gaze into yours eyes , especially so close." His thumb passed over my lips and I looked away.

"Hm, we should go or we'll be late." I pronounced. He withdrew his hand and there was silence for a moment before he spoke.

" Yes let's go." He turned to Soyeon who was still on the bed.

" Get nn my back !" He bent down to her height and showed her back to her so she could climb up.

"Let's go princess. "

"I don't wanna be a princess, I wanna be a cat. "

"Okay here we go kitten. "

"Don't make me giggle!" She laughed.

"Hoseok watch out for her. "

" Of course darling. "

On the way to the cemetery, Soyeon had fallen asleep in my lap. I stroked his head, it helped calm me down. The closer we got to the cemetery, the more I realized that I would no longer be able to say hello to them, I would no longer be able to take them in my arms, when I needed them I would not be able to see them anymore ... The closer you got to the cemetery, the more worried Hoseok was. His eyes were on you seeing how nervous you were. He just wanted to make you calmer and happier like he had promised. Hoseok took your hand in his. You looked at him and smiled at him.

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