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"What?" my heart beats faster.

He sat me astride him.

"Be mine... only mine," he smiled and I smiled at him.


Our eyes fell on the door with big eyes when we heard my brother screaming down, I cursed him inside.

"Shit, he can't see us!"I said.

I wanted to get up and get dressed but he stopped me by grabbing my arm and looked me in the eyes.

"Tae he-"

"Answer me or I won't let you go."

I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck. He kissed me, I stopped the kiss to answer him.

"Yes" he offered me his rectangular smile.

"Now I won't let go of you."

He kissed me again but I stopped the kiss when I heard my brother's voice getting closer and closer.

"Y/N!? Where are you?!"

I quickly got dressed but before leaving I gave him a smack. I went down the stairs to find myself in the living room.

"Why are you shouting?!"

"Maybe because I want to, you brat? "he says coming from the kitchen.

"How's Taehyung doing?"

I began to blush as I thought about what had just happened between him and me.

"He's... he's fine."

"Kook be nice to your sister for once," Yoongi intervened.

"He's right... thank you Yoongi," he sat down on the couch.

"No problem."

"Y/N.. "Jungkook looked uncertain.

"Oh come on, ask her, she's your sister," Yoongi grew impatient.

" Hyung shut up!"

"Do you want to go for coffee and a movie tomorrow?"

"Of course... why?" I asked.

"I want to spend some time with you... you know a brother and sister day, I haven't seen you in a whole year."

"Bravo! " congratulated Yoongi.

"Of course oppa if you missed me, just say so."

"It's not that-"

"Ohh yes that's what you meant," his friend cut him off.

"Ha! I knew it! "he ruffled my hair.

"Oppa don't do that, I'm not a child anymore! "I made a pout.

"You are and now go wash yourself you smell bad."

"You're the one saying that"

I glanced at him blackly and smiled at Yoongi and then went up the stairs.

I took a hot shower that relaxed my whole body. I lay down on the bed but I couldn't fall asleep, my thoughts were directed to Taehyung and his words.

"Y/N... do you want to be my girlfriend?"

His soft touch and his kisses... his whispers, deeper than the ocean, in my ears when he says he loves me... I can't believe that I belong to him... and that he belongs to me... only to me. I closed my eyes, a smile stuck to my lips and fell into the arms of Morpheus.

But is this real love?

The memories of that night came back to my mind, Jimin's face against mine, his hands wandering over my body.

Jungkook's little sister「 BTS FF 」Where stories live. Discover now