🔞20:Last Night and Honeymoon

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"H-Hoseok? I asked, "H-Hoseok?

"Hyung what?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I just got a message from my parents. »

"Yes, we talked about it with your parents and they agree. You will have to take care of my daughter. "explained my father.

"Are you crazy?! You should have asked me if I wanted to! "I got angry.

"Y/N is for your own good my baby. "My mother defended herself.

"I don't want mommy... I started crying, Hoseok looked down sadly. Sorry Hoseok, I have nothing against you, it's just- "

"Don't finish, I know... "he interrupted me, looking away.

"It's already decided! "claimed my father.

"Dad wanted to intervene my brother but he was cut off by our mother.

"You too! »

"I hate you! "I exclaimed before running to my room in tears.

"Y/N! "Jungkook shouted.

"Maybe it's better I leave now... I'm sorry, Jungkook... "Eunha apologized.

"Don't apologize Eunha darling, we'll meet again soon to talk about the wedding. "Mrs. Jeon explained.

Eunha left with her parents. Hoseok remained standing in the same place, lost in his thoughts.

"Don't worry about Y/N Hoseok, she just doesn't know what she wants, if this Park Ji- "

"Honey stops. "His wife stopped him.

"Okay... "he whispered.

Jungkook POV

"Hyung? »

I had never seen him like that before, I knew he liked Y/N but not like that. I thought he was just kidding around, plus he's much older than her.

"I have to go, my parents will contact you again. I have to take Eunha home. "He started to leave but I called her.

"Hyung waits! »

He ignored me and continued on his way. I turned back to my parents.

"Look what you've done! You should have told us first! »

"Son, we are in danger, we just want to protect you! »

"I can die but not Y/N and you, I will protect my children no matter what happens. "said my mother.

"The company will be yours if anything happens to us, remember."

"Stop dad nothing will happen to you! »


I went to my room in tears.


I looked at the voice behind me. I cried even more but this time with joy when I saw Jimin holding Soyeon in his arms. I ran up to them and put lots of kisses on his little head. Jimin's smile disappeared when he realised I was crying. He raised my chin with his free hand.

"My little Soyeon I love you so much. Thank you Jimin! »

I accidentally kissed her due to the overflow of joy, her eyes formed two round balls in astonishment.

"Sorry... "I took my daughter in my arms.

"Y/N w-what's going on? Why are you crying? "he tried to wipe away my tears.

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