6:Kill Me Heal Me

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"Jungkook! "Taehyung shouted.

The shaded one pulled Jungkook away from BamBam who was unconscious.

"I want to kill him! "Jungkook said.

The brown one tried to free himself from Tae's grasp.

"He's not worth it. " he patted his back.

"Don't make a scene, people are looking at us," Taehyung said.

"He could have killed Y/N..."

Jungkook tried to hit BamBam again but Taehyung stopped him again.

"I know... Jungkook! He's unconscious, do you want to kill him?"

"You're protecting him?! "the brown got angry.

"No, I just don't want you to go to prison. Let's get out of here before the cops come."

Three days later

"Jungkook is going home, you need to rest, Yoongi and I will stay with her. "says Jimin.

"Go ahead Kook, I feel better, I'll be home soon. I'll be home soon." I said.

"Are you sure?

"Yes, go ahead."

Jungkook is so tired. I don't even know what he did to BamBam but I don't want to know.

"Okay kid, get off those sheets, we're going to feed you. "said Yoongi.

"I want a cake... "I said pouting.

"So cute. " Jimin said smiling.

I tried to get up, but I had a little trouble.

"Come on, I'll help you up. "Jimin said to me.

"I'm fine Ji-min. "I was still hurting in some places.

"Y/N? "said Yoongi, holding my hand for support.

"We can go now, I'm hungry. "I announced by putting my feet on the ground and smiling.

"Lean on me. "Jimin yawned at me gently.

"Jimin oppa you should go home, I'll stay with Yoongi oppa."

"But Y/N..."

"I'm fine, I'm sorry and thank you. "I kissed him on the cheek.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek where I had slapped him badly last time.

"Let's go oppa. "I took Yoongi's hand.

Jimin touched his cheek with his fingertips after I kissed it.

We went to the cafeteria with Yoongi.

I asked him, "Where is Yona?"

"She went to class but she promised to come back afterwards."

"Yoongi oppa?"


"I smelled food!"

"Come the hungry one. "he sighed.

"I want kimchi or ice cream or not! Fruit!"

"Choose one."

"But... why. "I wept.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going to buy you everything!"

"I love you, I'm going to go pick our seats. "I smiled at him and left as soon as possible.

"My poor wallet... Aish this child... wait!"

POV Jungkook

I went home and slumped on the couch. When I almost fell asleep the doorbell rang.

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