[Jungkook Ending]🔞

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Me: Jungkook ...
* I mumble *

Yona: What? !!!

Me: Jungkook is the father of my child * sob *

Yona: O ... m ... g ..... but .... how ..... he .... is he hurt you?

Me: ... * cries *

Yona: Thats why you crying?! thats why you run away from home? ! I'm gonna kill him.

Me: Yona please stop ... don't hurt him ... thats my fault I was blind on his love toward me.

Yona: Y / n this is sick ... this is incest

Me: I know what should I do?

Yona: Get rid of this child

Yona: How dare he even touch you he wanted protect you but he didn't menage protect you from himself ... dick.

Me: I don't know it's just innocent child he or she did nothing wrong to deserve on death.

Yona: So you want tell him about ...?

* She poineted at me belly *

Me: I don't know I'm confused

Yona: Why?

Me: There was time .... sometimes there were moments when I was not honest too because my heart was starting to beat faster but I tried to drown it out the best I could ... and now this baby ... * sigh *

Yona: Don't tell me you feel something to him to? !

Me: l ...

Yona: * sighs * he said he loves you but I didn't know he ment "this" kind of love.

Yona: He left you something

Me: What is it?

Yona: Your mother's diary

* I gulped and tears appeared *

Me: Mom ...

Yona: Okay I will leave you now.

Me: Thank you

* She left and I lie on bed and opened my mother's diary *

I found there a copy of birth certification? Why?

* But then my eyes fixed on something and I was shocked *

Me: B - biological mother: Kim Sora

Biological father: Kim Ji Sung

Me: What?

Me: Foster parents: Mr ... and Mrs Jeon ...? so all this time they lied to us
* my eyes watered * thats why Jungkook said everyone lied to him.

* I turned to next page and I found letter *

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jean's my enemies killed my wife my son Yugyeom dissapeared please take my daughter this it the only way I can protect her I know you're good people Kim Ji Sung"

My: My real father last name was Kim ...
and my brother's name was Yugyeom ... *  my heart started beat faster *
no it can't be ... *
then I remember folder Jimin gave me *

Me: It can't be Kim Yugyeom can't be .... *
Then I saw his birth cerfyfication we had the same parents ... no


Yona was walking downstair worrying about Y / n when bell starts ringing

Yona: Who is it again?
* Yona opened doors and saw *

Yona: You!

Jk: Yona please let me see her! I can't * sob * live without her!

Yona: Come on!

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