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Jhope:Y/n ? Y/n ! Where are you ?

*Jhope saw only oppened doors and your bracelet on the ground*

Jhope: Shit.

* Jhope quickly took suitcase and packed few clothes he took Soyeon and left in hurry house *

Jimin's place

Jimin's dad: just want meet my grand daughter?! is it that much?!

Jimin: Why suddenly you want meet her? You never cared about me, now you want meet my daughter?!

Jimin's dad: l always cared about I wanted you to get good job and look who you are now.

Jimin: When I needed you never were there beside me like i needed you to be

Jimin's dad: l wasn't beside you that didn't meant I don't love you.

* Jimin sighed knowing he can argue with his father forever*

Jimin: * sigh * Fine I will ask Y / n but now I have to go sleep, I have work tommorow.

* Jimin went to bed and closed eyes ,but couldn't fall asleep * Jimin: Whats wrong?

* He lay long but finally after long time he finally fall asleep*

I saw my dad I wanted meet him and go back with him home.

But what I see scared me dad arguing about some laptop with some guy in white doctor coat.

Suddenly my dad somehow got laptop from his hands they both yalled at each other.
Man wanted take laptop from my dad but my dad pushed him he hit table edge and landed on floor blood started flow from under his head.
Then my dad noticed me he was shocked and stressed

Head out first!

Wait at me home!

I run and got home alone that day

Then I did not undestood but now I do my dad killed man.

* He woke us breathing heavily *

Jimin: No ... not again ...


* Jimin's father spending night at Jimin's place he was about to head to bed but he got phone call *

Jimin's dad:Hello?

??:I have mission for you.


imin's dad: What is it?

* When he heard what this guy said he frozen in place *

??: Do it ... i'm counting on you * And he hang up before Jimin's dad could answer *


* Jungkook was about to lie on bed beside Eunha when he heard banging on door and door bell *

Eunha: Who is it? this late?

Jk: Idk I'm gonna check stay here.

* She followed him anyway worried *

Jungkook's little sister「 BTS FF 」Where stories live. Discover now