[Jimin Ending]

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Me: Jimin ...

* I mumble *

Yona: What?

Me: Jimin is the father of my child ...

Yona: Oh ... so Soyeon will have sibling she always wanted
*She smiles *

Me: Stop joking Yona I'm serious I'm so confused about my feelings.

Yona: Why?

Me: Taehyung was my first love and he still is in my heart, Jimin hurt me but I forgave him and got close we have Soyeon who is our all world and there is my brother ...who is not releted to me but kind of still is.

Yona: Oh when It comes to Jungkook he was here and he wanted me to give you this he said it's important and explain you everything.

* She gave you some dairy *

Me: What is it?

Yona: Your mother's dairy ...

* I gulped and tears appeared *
Me: Mom ...

Yona: Okay I will leave you now.

Me: Thank you

* She left and I lie one bed and oppened my mother's diary *

* I found there a copy of birth certification? Why? *

* But then my eyes fixed on something and I was shocked *

Me: B - biological mother:
Kim Sora

Biological father:
Kim Ji Sung

Me : What ?

Me: Foster parents:
Mr ... and Mrs Jeon ...?
so all this time they lied to us
* my eyes watering * thats why Jungkook said everyone lied to him.

* I turned to next page and I found letter *

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jeon's my enemies killed my wife my son Yugyeom dissapeared please take my daughter this it the only way I can protect her I know you're good people Kim Ji Sung"

My: My real father last name was Kim ...
and my brother's name was Yugyeom ... * tear rolled on my cheeks and my heart started beat faster * no it can't be ... * then I remember folder Jimin gave me *

Me: It can't be Kim Yugyeom can't be ....
* Then I saw his birth cerfyfication we had the same parents * ... no

* There was also sticky note from Jimin *

"Y / n my love I really wanted tell you this in person but I think I can't.
It's really hard to me but many years ago I witnessed something terrible.
my father by accident killed Kim Ji Sung I know it was something about business but
I were too young to understand my father told me to wait in home I was crying all night and was wondering if this man had family then many years later I found documents my father took to not be arrested.
I was 16 then and I found birth certifications of Kim Y / n and Kim Yugyeom the only
person called Y / n I knew was you and everthing fit perfectly your birth date I tried look for your real
brother but I couldn't find him he was kidnapped and raised by Bam Bam's family he became one of them.
I know it's too much to stand love and you probably
will never want to look at me again on son of murderer, murder because I killed Bam Bam and lier but .... I want you to know that I did it all for you and Soyeon and I never lied about my feelings to you. .. they were always real. Jimin "

Me: *I'm sobbing * Jimin ...

* I stood up and quickly left my room to see him*

Yona:Y/n what happened ? where are you going ?

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