Ch.25 Save me...Fuck me🔞

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Tae: What?

*He look at Yugyeom with disbelieve *

* Yugyeom unlocked gun and pointed at Taehyung's head *

Yugyeom: You heard me!?

* I was scared that he shoot so I cupped Taehyung's face to face me

Me: Taehyung..I'm scared he will hurt Soyeon ... and you ... * I close my eyes * please do it I trust you.

* Taehyung look at your beautiful face he love so much your pink moist lips you long black lashes *

* He sigh and slowly his hand went to your shirt buttons.
Slowly he unbuttoned first one then second but he stoped when he saw your bra *

Yugyeom: Keep going.
*He look at your face but your eyes were still closed his hands started shaking *

* When he oppened your shirt and took it off he look at you again *

Yugyeom: Y / n help him remove his shirt too.

* But Taehyung did it before you oppened your eyes because he knew how disguested and ashamed you felt in this moment *

*I oppened my eyes when my upper body was only in bra my eyes fixed on his pants and reached for the button and opened it slowly together with a fly*

* Then be reached my bra straps and slide them off my shoulders *

* We look at each others eyes Taehyung quickly pulled you closer to his embrace to hide you from Yugyeom *

Yugyeom: Now * smirk * push her on bed, hover above her and start kissing her neck and lips.

* Taehyung look at Yugyeom with deadly,then Yugyeom point gun on him *

* He then look me again and on him and slowly pushed me on bed hovering above me *

* Our faces were inches only apart *

Tae: I'm sorry I promise I will get us out of here somehow.

Yugyeom: Do it faster!

* After his words Taehyung look at my lips he leaned in and our lips touched *

* He moves them in sync with mine, his kiss became more and more passionate after few moments and touching my body *

* Then he moved to my neck and started kissing there.
I started breath faster.
I tried not get turned on but his his kisses on my weak spot on my neck didn't helped me *

* My hands touched his to push him a little.He was kissing me for a moment like he forgot where we are now *

* Taehyung broke kiss and our breaths mixed *

Yugyeom: Now take off rest of her underwear and put it in her.

* Taehyung turned to him *

Tae: You're disgusting, you know!

Yg: Me? * he pointed at himself * I know you like it.
* He gave Taehyung disgusting smirk.
Taehyung wanted punch his face so much until he will beg to let him go *

* When Taehyung was taking his time Yugyeom poined gun on me *

* He turned to you quickly * Tae: I'm sorry
* and he took off your underwear *

* Then tears appears in your eyes *

Yugyeom: Y / n help him with his boxers don't be shy.

* With watery eyes I reached his boxers with my one hand but again he stopped me and took them off by himself *

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