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Counters are nessecary particles attached when counting something. Like people, books, objects etc.

Reminder: counters involve native korean numbers and the same rules we used to represent age.

Most common counters are:

개 for items

명 for people

사람 for person

마리 for animals

조각 for slices

잔 for glasses

권 for books/notebooks

병 for bottles

대 for cars/machines

채 for houses and buildings

살 for age (surprise! Its a counter. The actual word age = 나이)

Using them:

개 -> 오렌지 한 개

명 -> 친구 두 명

사람 -> 세 사람

마리 -> 고양이 네 마리

조각 -> 피자 한 조각

장 -> 물 두 잔

권 -> 책 다섯 권

And so on. You can find pdf files for counters on google too!


책 - book

피자 - pizza  (hands up those who call it peeedza)

친구 - friend

고양이 - cat

Fyi, never use 개 alone. 개 means dog and it might be interpretted as a swear word- yeah Imma teach you how to curse too XD


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