Summary + Vocabulary

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Summary for the past few chapters

주세요 - please give

아메리카노 - americano

포도 - grapes

주스 - juice

반말 - informal way of speaking

존댓말 - polite (formal) way of speaking

말 - words/remark/utterance

밥 - rice/meal

강 - river

한강 - Han river

왜 - why

귀 - ear

눈 - eye

물 - water

눈물 - tears

괜찮아요 - its okay/ I'm okay


모자 - hat

커피 - coffee

빵 - bread

학생 - student

오렌지 - orange

Let's make a few phrases!

너 괜찮아요? Are you okay? (Informal)

커피 더 주세요. More coffee please.

When saying 커피, be careful. If you mispronounce ㅓ like ㅗ, it might be awkward.

Why? Because 코피 = nosebleed. You don't wanna say "More nosebleed please"

Can you guess this one?
오렌지 주스 주세요 = _____?

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