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How to say 'thank you' in korean.

The most casual way to say thank you is 감사합니다.

감사 means 'thanks'
합니다 means 'I do'

So 감사합니다 means 'I do thanks to you; thank you'

Now you see 하 in 합니다, 하십니까, 하세요. What really is 하?

하다 is a verb.
How to recognize? It has -다 particle with it.
하다 = TO do

Therefore 하 is do.

하세요 - do (polite way)
하십니까 - do you do (interrogative and formal way)
합니다 - do (casual formal way)

Let's not get off tracked, another casual way of saying 감사합니다 is 감사해요.

Don't worry about 해요, just learn this for now, we will talk about it later on.

Do you know why 감사하십니까 doesn't makes sense? Comment below ;)

감사합니다 is MOST USED while 감사해요 is also used a lot.

Another way of saying thank you is 고마워요. You can also say 고맙씁니다.

Now remember, you can always remove 요. The word would still make sense, however, it would become informal.

To summarize today's lesson:

감사합니다 (formal and casual; very common)

감사해요 (casual and common)

감사해 (informal version of 감사해요)

고맙습니다 (highly formal and common)

고마워요 (casual and common)

고마워 (informal version of 고마워요)

고맙다 (highly informal)

With your boss, colleagues, strangers or professionals, you should use 고맙습니다 or 감사합니다.

With friends or family, you can use 감사합니다, 감사해요, 고마워요.

With close friends or younger siblings or little kids, you can use 고마워, 감사해, 고마워, 고맙다.

I feel like 감사합니다 can be used everywhere.

The choice is all yours :)

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